Sunday, March 4, 2007

True Convert

The first Sunday of every month, all the Baptist churches in Eastern Europe, partake in the Lord's Supper. For me this morning was a double privilege, to be "asked to serve" the meal with Pastor Ovie for one and to "serve" these new converts for another. The Europeans take honor in this and treat the meal with great respect. Pastor Ovie's message made it very clear that a "True Convert" will follow the Lord's command to be baptised. He also made it clear that baptism was a public profession of ones faith and that a baby can't do this...and he said that it is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. He also spoke about the Lord's supper being, not the actual body and blood of Jesus, but symbolic also.

It was a great day at Holy Trinity for us as a family. We were able to be there when Paula, who repented on Oct. 10th, 2005 was baptised into the body of believers here in Galati. One month before her repentance, September 7th, 2005 Living Word Baptist was doing a "Big Event" at a local club for rent, this club just happened to be next door to her apartment. She litterally was the last person that we handed an invitation to out of 1500 people we invited that week. Although She sent her husband Bogdon instead, Paula repented just over one month from that day!
This week she was under a great spiritual attack as her husband Bogdon started drinking again and caused much strife, her mother also chose not to be there for sin issues in her own life, but Paula would not be deterred. She was baptised into a new church family with eight other people. The Europeans are in no hurry to baptise the first person who says, "I believe", they wait and wait and wait to see if the person shows some growth or at least is serious about repentance. The church was completely full and was also full of Joy in the Lord as they welcomed these new converts. Then, as always, on the first Sunday of the month they partook in the Lord's supper. Those baptised ate for the first time and it was a HUGE blessing for them. I sometimes wish that we took more time in the states to make sure the person is actually 'Born Again" but that would be too harsh and judgemental for our way of doing things. Paula has been incredibly strong through out this entire time, not having much more, then her faith in Christ. I say that in a way that means, no encouragement, no church family for the first year, a husband that was terrible to her, very little to no food for her two children and wanting to leave her husband numerous times. The first real ray of hope came when Christiana, Mama Catie and Mihiela (Pator TiTi's wife) came to begin the little Bible Studies with her and began to pray for her. Praise the Lord that Holy Trinity responded to this wonderful young wife and mother"s needs. Everybody needs a friend in the Lord!