Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Prestonwood Baptist-Mike Fechner

Mike and Pastor Ovi.
We had a very good meeting yesterday in Braila. This brought several ministries together. E3 Ministries, RAM, ServingHim, and the leading pastors of Eastern Romania. I actually was invited to be there also by Pastor Ovi. This was the first time that I have been invited to this type of a conference by a national pastor and I really appreciated it!

The main pull though was with Mike Fechner, the missions pastor at Prestonwood Baptist where Dr. Jack Graham, pastors. We really were all able to share from our hearts what God is doing and Mike just listened and really did a great job of pulling the meeting together at the end of the day. Many people with great influence were basically rejoicing in what the Lord God has been doing and also what plans we had for the future. I set a record by only taking "ten minutes" for my presentation for the Galati Plan. It was such a privilege to be apart of that meeting. I also really enjoyed meeting Prestonwood's young Joshua Rolf who seems to be young man that really has his act together and loves the Lord.

Mike and Joshua are coming to Galati today at three o'clock to see some of the stadium's that might be used for a big EV event if needed. They are also interested in the way we are ministering in the city as they also do a great deal of ministry in their city.

You know... for the Galati Plan a church this size still just needs to send small teams of five to six people to enter in the work just as with churches that only have 100-200 members can do. That is another reason I like our plan. Churches like Cameron, Living Word, and those in Cane Creek Stoddard Baptist churches can impact the city with the same effect. Why? Because we want people that love Jesus to tell those that don't know Him about His love.....and any church can surely find five or six people to do that!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Yom Kippur

Today was another interesting day! It actually started last night when Rosental (my Jewish neighbor) invited me to the Jewish Synagogue. He said there would be an American that I could talk to. So this morning, after gathering Mihai and Bogdon we went to the service. We walked in to the main entrance where they have a large display of the holocaust victims. Mihai and Bogdon saw the big building and said how many Jew are there? I said before the war there was 18000 Jews In the city now they only have 10 men that come to the service. As we were in the entrance Rosental went to get the American. It turned out that he is just here with the peace corps and not the Rabbi as previously thought. But he explained to us that we really couldn't come in because it was a special day. They were celebrating Yom Kippur. So we weren’t allowed to come in.

We went outside and the American decided to come out and visit. Mihai started asking him questions how could he become a Jew and what would he have to do? He replied, “we would turn you away three times’ then you would have learn Hebrew, and some other works of scholars to prove that you really were interested." Mihai said, “What if I just wanted to go to heaven, what would I have to do?" He replied, "Well, we don’t believe in heaven or hell!" What happens if you sin? What do you do? "Well, that is a relative question, what are you calling sin?" Mihai.. Don’t you know…..? The Ten Commandments tell us what sin is…The American replies well they are just logic not so complicated.

He then went on to tell us that we all worship the same God, even if we define him different, the Islam, the Christians everyone, every where all believe in the same god. I made a few pointed comments at that time….but then the conversation drifted to “Why don’t you believe Jesus is your Messiah?’ He asked, "Are you trying to proselytize me? This was something that really seemed to be his main response to any question that centered on Christ. I said well you must have some sort of proof that Jesus wasn’t your Messiah! He said, you would have to show me proof that he was….! Anticipating this I had already printed out a list of prophecies pointing to Jesus as the Messiah and handed it to him as he had asked for proof. He said, I don’t feel comfortable with reading that….I put it in his hand and said "just read it"…he took it.

Well, then we talked about the Ten Commandments and how they pointed to Creation! For God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. Well, he said "that is your opinion!" I really couldn’t believe the amount of beautiful words this guy used to say absolutely nothing! I would reply with so what you mean is “One hand clapping” Oh I get it…”round triangle” He would just say no that is not what he was saying. The conversation actually was pleasant and we also talked about Israel the New Heaven and New Earth mentioned in Isaiah. Well he just was not that interested in the next life....it is far more important to just be kind to each other...help the poor and the needy, feed the little children. That is what life is all about....

Bogdon ended the conversation with a simple statement……”so what you are saying is you don’t have any hope for another life” he said no it is more important that we just help and love each other…there is no Judge in heaven waiting to destroy us. That is just your opinion!

I later called Mihai who left after the encounter and asked him this question. “We all serve the same God correct?” Mihai laughed and said. “that is HIS opinion!” I then asked, “If that is true why didn’t they let us in the synagogue?”

We then went and got Bogdon some leather boots for his work. (Things are going wonderful with him and we are certain that God was involved in the problem we had last week. Bogdon even had a dream the Friday night before that confirmed what happened on Saturday! He actually told Paula I think I going to have some problems today with Troy!) Anyway I came home and researched Yom Kippur on the internet….I discovered that you can not wear leather boots on Yom Kippur along with a list of four other forbidden things. I quickly called Bogdon and told him…..don’t wear those boots! He said may be he will have to go sacrifice an animal! All joking aside it was a great day for my leaders to see the fact that modern day Judaism is empty of any and all hope.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Worship of Mary

This is a picture of Violeta and Magdalina. I introduced them to Paul, Marshall, Wes and David last week. Yesterday we did lessons 9 and 10 in the second book, Faith Power. We also had a new helper, potential leader, assist us for the first time- Adana. (sp?) She was great help and is very strong in the Lord. She is 21 and I am praying that she will be a big help to us. The lessons are about the development of the early church and how they had so much trouble with the leaders of the established religion of their day.

One thing that did come up was the issue of Mary worship. It seems that the girls were a little shocked at how little we teach on Mary. This issue didn't come up except for Violeta had read a book that was written by an x-priest and it really opened her eyes or better yet disturbed her.

So this is one more thing that she must let go of. It is almost impossible to know what the Orthodox believer is really trusting in when they pray the prayer of repentance. It is so much better to just keep them pointed at the Word of God and systematically bring them to the JESUS of the Bible.

We had a great lesson and they are already asking..."are there any more books to study after this one?"

Well, it is a rainy dismal day here in Galati....but the Lord is with us...!

Oh! Bogdon and Paula celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary yesterday, Bogdon's new job is going well, He is more tired now..but he does want to continue doing his job a zone leader. PTL. Pray for us as we decide the best course of action to take as winter is coming!

Of course you know we really try to avoid these issues and just bring them directly to Christ, when God has opened their eyes to His Son it is must easier to navigate these treacherous waters. 2Tim 2:23-26

Scripture and Mary

In Luke 1:46-47, Mary said: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour". Mary knew that she needed a savior.

Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". Revelation 15:4 says, "Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only art holy". Romans 3:10 says, "There is none righteous, no, not one".

Jesus is the only person who is referred to in Scripture as sinless. Hebrews 4:15 says, "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

1 Peter 2:22 says, "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth".
In contrast, Mary said that God is her Savior. (Luke 1:47) If God was her Savior, then Mary was not sinless. Sinless people do not need a Savior.

In the Book of Revelation, when they were searching for someone who was worthy to break the seals and open the scroll, the only person who was found to be worthy was Jesus. Nobody else in Heaven or on earth (including Mary) was worthy to open the scroll or even look inside it. (Revelation 5:1-5)

Matthew 1:24-25 says, "Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." "Till" (until) means that after that point, Joseph did "know" (have sexual relations with) Mary. (See Genesis 4:1 where Adam "knew" Eve and she conceived and had a son.)

Jesus had brothers and sisters. The Bible even tells us their names. Matthew 13:54-56 says, "
And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hatch this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?"

Other Scripture verses which specifically refer to Jesus’ brothers are: Matthew 12:46; John 2:12; John 7:3; Acts 1:14; and Galatians 1:19.

These are all comments from a x-nun I found on the internet....they are not to attack or defend just to shed light....and bring people to Jesus!

Just a little more Truth to help set people free!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Winter is Coming

Romania is a beautiful country with wonderful people

This is one of the "wooden churches" of the type built across Eastern Europe, from Karelia and northern Russia all the way to the Adriatic, but in terms of both quality and quantity the richest examples are in the Maramures. From 1278 the Orthodox Romanians were forbidden by their Catholic Hungarian overlords to build churches in stone, and so used wood to ape Gothic developments.

Most of the Maramures churches were re-built after the last Tartar raid in 1717, acquiring large porches and tall towers, often with four corner-pinnacles,clearly derived from the masonry architecture of the Transylvanian cities. Icons or "wall paintings" in these churches were produced by local artists in the 18th and early 19th centuries, combining the icon tradition with pagan motifs and topical propaganda. They broadly followed the standard Orthodox layout. The Incarnation and Eucharist in the sanctuary (for the priest's edification), the Last Judgement and the moralistic parables such as the Wise and Foolish Virgins in the narthex where the woman stand, and the Passion in the naos.

Later in the 19th century as the Uniate Church gained in strength, with more emphasis on the Ascension and the Evangelists. This particular church is in Poiana Brasov, Romania's premier ski resort.

I just wanted to share some of the history of Romania with you...enjoy the picture. I just copied some of the material from a book called Romania a rough guide by Dan Richardsan pg..248. Hope you found it interesting....May God bless you as you continue to pray for HIS CHURCH that is not made of sticks and stones but of precious people made in His likeness....

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Spiritual Warfare

Well this was last week, this week it seems that things have taken a turn in a completely different direction. I covet your prayers as I believe God is redirecting the ministry here in Galati. We had such a great week with the team from CCSBA. This week though we have had a counter attack!
Bogdon and I both agreed (for different reasons) it would be better for him to get a job that was not so dependant on me. He is now working at a construction company and will have very little time for the work in the valley. This is a very good step for him as an individual and will make him depend on the Lord even more.
I also lost Cornell this week as his father hates Christians and has demanded that he stops coming to our meetings. So I have told him that it would be better to try and reconcile with his father using the last verse in the Old testament as guidance. We tend to use Matthew 10:34-39 in ways that justifies rebellion.
So I now have Mihai my Zone 9 leader left who starts school in a week and will have very little time to work with me. What is amazing is that I feel the presence of the Lord in all this and believe He is trying to show me the next step I need to take. I pray that I will be sensitive to His instruction and that we can continue with a slightly different angle of attack.
When flying a small engine airplane the pilot must pay attention to the angle-of-attack which is the difference between the direction or forward momentum of the airplane and the climb angle of the wing. If the angle-of-attack increases beyond the ability (power) of the aircraft to climb the plane will suddenly slowdown and stall. If one wing dips below the other the plane can go into a grave yard spiral, something every pilot dreads and avoids it like the plague!
So all of you that have been here know that God has led us so far and He will continue to do so but you can imagine loosing Bogdon and Cornell in the same week will not be easy to recover from. I did have a great meeting with Pastor Ovie this week though and discovered something that might be useful in the future. Pray for wisdom in this.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

One More Awesome Week in Galati

Wes and his new friend...this little girl stole his heart.....
We had a wonderful week once again here in Galati. So many things happened that it is just too bad that you all couldn't have been here. Just three OLD men from southeast Missouri serving God who really went before us. It was a great week for us. I am also so proud of Bogdon and Mihai who did such a wonderful job explaining the work, their hearts and our common vision.

We heard the testimony of Violeta and Magdalina who have just recently come to faith in Christ. I wanted Marshall to hear how the apartment that CCSBA supports was used to bring them to faith. It was so great to hear them give clear testimony of how they came to faith in Christ. I will never forget the part where Madalina said, " Before I didn't really understand now I love Jesus" what a great thing to hear from someone who just three weeks ago was lost!

Here we had an impromptu meeting with Mr. Singh. We were up in the TV Tower over in Zone 9 and I saw the steel factory and just gave him a call, "Hey, can we come over?" He said yes! We had a short meeting and learned that he is going to Deli this Saturday and wants to be "hooked up" (for you Lanny) to someone there where he can to some ministry with his time and resources. It was a great time once again.

I deeply appreciate my brother Marshall, The Lord really stirred his heart while he was here in Galati. He was so excited to see and hear all that is happening here and with his leadership we were able to get the apartment located in Zone 9. Here is a picture taken from the TV Tower in Micro 21 and the apartment. (Our apartment which we call the Zone 9 Training Center is located behind the white car up and to the right just a little, almost exactly where the street light is.)

I also want to thank my Pastor David Groves who beyond any shadow of a doubt has been the most influential person in our missionary career without his wisdom and the love and support of Living Word Baptist Church we may not be here today. Thanks Pastor and may God bless your International Gospel Outreach ministries and one little suggestion....make sure you take Karen or Bro. Marshall with you so don't loose any teams out there .....somewhere! We LOVE YOU!!

Some of the great things that happened this week!

  • The team was introduced to the work in Zone 6 and Zone 9

  • We handed out over 600 copies of John and Romans in Zone 9
  • I was able to introduce them to Cornell, Bogdon, Viloleta, Madalina, Roxanna, Nicoleta, Florine, all who have been Christians less then six months
  • We were able to get into two new homes in the valley with great potential in each one

  • Bogdon, Wess and Marshall had an awesome Bible study with a new family last night
  • David, Marshall and myself were invited into a new house in the valley that is owned by a man who is well to do and is a pilot of a ship that runs the danube, we had a great first visit

  • I had two young very helpful and solid young woman say that they wanted to become leaders and start attending the Saturday meetings for leaders pray for them Elisa and Magda
  • Several great prayer meetings
  • We were prayer walking and walked right into about 25 men ready to start a gang fight led by the King of Thieves and we, right in the middle of them, just circled in prayer and asked God to stop it with our backs turned to all of them, and then talked to them, held up the Bible and ended up shutting the fight down...(this was a little scary Danuti told me to leave and I told him "he would have to take us all out first.as we prayer walk the valley every morning and we didn't intend to stop now"..we had five they had thirty...but God was on our side...Marhall said we didn't VOTE on that!" It turns out the other gang wasn't there yet....and never came! It seems that some one took 5000 euro from Danuti....I told him that he had done the same thing in the past and he just smiled! We left the gang and went back the prayer room. But I left a Bible on the street corner leaning it high and against a post. When we came back Danuti had it open and was looking at it!
  • One of the Gang members approached Bogdon the next day and said he wanted a Bible

  • We had awesome Cinnamon rolls last night made by my wonderful wife Karla.....!!!

  • Paul was able to give his testimony several times and really had the attention of two families in particular

  • My Kingdom Doctrinal Tract is out of the design phase and into production

  • Our new volunteer coordinator Wes Banks was able to participate in the entire week and see how we use teams...he did an awesome job and loves the Lord..thanks Wes for your heart to move to Romania and be a part of our team
  • Just a great week in the Lord
  • Met a group of repenters in Zone 9 that live in Focsani where we want to start work
  • Marshall paid for everything!
Well, thanks so much LORD for sending these three OLD men, VERY OLD men over to encourage our work here and to help expand the Kingdom-YOUR KINGDOM

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Great Evening in Zone 6

We all had a great time doing Share Jesus Without Fear (step 2) last night in the valley. We had many encounters that lasted over an extended period. Here we see Cornell on the far left who has only worked in Zone 9 before this working with us down in the valley. He did great and was very helpful. We also see Bogdon and Paula who are really taking on the task in the valley and Catalina who loves to do street evangelism and the in home Bible Studies.
Paul showing this group of people how he got saved. I liked his testimony because he said the first time the pastor prayed for him nothing happened! He then said, "Pastor, could you pray again nothing happened!" The second time, same thing and then finally he asked God to save him and it happened! He got saved! Paul did a great job with this family. I am thinking we have an invitation to see this family again and do some Bible Studies.Here Paul is really focusing in on the need for them to repent and give their lives to Jesus!

The family was willing to listen for over twenty minutes and we were blessed to get to share the Gospel with them.We had another great time with Nicolie and Costel the father and Uncle of Danuti (KOT). They asked many questions that started out with someone what of a challenge to us then warmed up when Cornell gave his testimony and told them that he was Orthodox! This totally devastated their excuses about being Orthodox and not wanting to change their religion. We may get to start up Bible studies again in their house. Nicolie has always welcomed us and admits that drinking is a big problem he has. His wife told me to pray that he would stop drinking and I said that I would also pray that he would start doing Bible Studies!

Over all in the valley we talked to many people, David and Marshall found a ship captain that seemed very interested in learning more. Bogdon was happy as he found a new family to do Bible Studies with and Marshall spent and extened time working on Bogdon's father who is so close to repenting, but not yet! With tears in his eyes and a heart wrenching prayer Marshall prayed for Nicolie that he would just give his life to Jesus! Nicolie is very, very close to repenting and admitted that he is so very proud of Bogdon and wants to be just like him. This made Bodgon extremely happy.

In just a few minutes we leave to go prayer walk in the valley and we will begin street evangelism in Zone 9 after lunch. Pray with us for all who have a heart to be here....and know these people from the city..

Marshall Link Representing CCSBA

Here is Marshall Link preaching in Galati, Romania. He is preaching on Romans 1:14-17. Gave a great message from his heart to our hearts. God really used His servant today. His message really connected with the culture here by telling how important repentance is. It was those who lived the true life of Christ that won him over. He also preached on the obligation we have to tell others about Christ.

OH! By the way this is very bad for Pastor David Groves to be taking a picture during the church service!

Marshall is the man that led the charge for us to get the training center and helped us get the support of 42 churches while we were home last year. I preached in 13 churches and told them about the need for a New Testament church in Zone 9. He delivered in a big way. We believe now the God is really involved in what we are doing as this association has been such a big help to us here in Galati. They are from southeast Missouri and we are in southeast Romania but the truth is we are all working together to help build the Kingdom.

Here is Dragos (our great translator), Marshall Link (Director of Missions), David David Groves (International Gospel Outreach), Paul Seegraves (Pastor Black River Baptist), and our new volunteer coordinator Wes Banks who lives in Bucharest with his wife and two children.
We had a great handing out the Scripture last night. It was raining and Romania had a big soccer match but we hit the streets anyway. We handed out over 300 or 400 copies of the Gospel of John and the book of Romans. We went into bars, restaurants and any other place that would let us in. We talked to ship captains, teens, drunks, and all sorts of people. We even found five or six true believers.

This team also joined us in our leaders meeting this last Saturday and heard the testimonies of our leaders in Zone 9 and Zone 6. This was a great time for us. I so appreciate this group of men. Paul is really able to relate to some of the pastors here with a small church that is now trying to grow. He has been a great asset to this team and I am so glad he came. It is a great thing to see a man of his age, that loves the Lord and is still living by faith and humility.

We leave to go do street evangelism in just a few minutes in Zone 6. Pray for us!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Kingdom Doctrinal Track

Hello, Meet Adam the one that got us into all this mess. We now are cursed, separated from God and have received the death penalty. The "Ten Commandments" don't save us they condemn us and send us right where we deserve to go. The lake of fire. This is the second slide in my Kingdom Doctrinal Track. I have put a series of fourteen slides together that reflect fourteen years of teaching the Bible and are able to teach the Bible very rapidly to our new converts. It is sort of like storying. This effort literally is the result of 10 years in the Bible and 5 years on the mission field. I now have it finished. (Sorry Lanny I have changed it abit from the one I gave you....it is Mai Frumos now. More beautiful!) I have worked with a professional design artist named Bogdon for two years now who during the last slide told me.....I need to start reading my Bible!) The bottom of the KDT teaches the devil's Gospel....be good and go to heaven don't even think about trusting Jesus for your salvation....and Him alone. Maybe just maybe you can get to heaven when you die IF your good deeds out way your bad deeds. Matthew 6:24 is at the verse to counter that non-sense!
The student must take his or her Bible and color the verses on the slide in their Bible. Yesterday, I gave it Bodgon -the first finished copy of it and he spent nearly eight hours just getting to Abram the third slide. This is a way to get my leaders confidence up when they are teaching through the small groups. They will be able to understand , know and debate from Romans, Galatians and Revelation. The reason that I do this is because Jesus said if you love me "FEED MY SHEEP!" He also said, "Reader Pay attention and Understand!" but we know better....we need to just love each other not the Word of God, just God!

Here is the ideal student going for his "Mentor Position" in the National Bible Reading Campaign. The leader must be leading groups, leading people to Christ, teaching others and praying about new work to move into the mentor slot. They begin as followers, where they can lead simple Bible Studies from the John and Acts part of the National Bible Reading Campaign then they must be leading groups through the Ive Been Born Again Now What series from Charles Brock and to achieve the leadership position and finally they must be very proficient at knowing what a Cell Church is and isn't by attending leadership classes on Saturday's in just a few minutes matter as fact! I have spent thousands (literally) of hours developing this so that the truths in the Bible can be taught in a very life changing and profound way. Pray that God will show me what do with this as it could be used to wake up the Church that is sleeping, snoring and drooling but it could be worse....at least it is alive!
In the future I hope to take my leaders on three day retreats and stick them in front of their Bible for extented periods of time. This will be great!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Zone 9 (5 PM)

Yesterday was an interesting day and goes to show that if you just keep on pushing and pushing sometghing is bound to happen!

When you go bowling and get three in a row they are happy to call it a turkey. Well, yesterday we had meetings in Zone 6, 9 and 13. It was the first time to have them all scheduled and on going which is great when I think about three years ago.

Mihai (Zone 9 leader) pictured on the far left here and I did lesson 8 of the National Bible Reading Campaing (not with these two as we have never seen these guys again after their supposed repentance)We did lessons with Vilotea and Madalina and they are in my opinon true belivers now. Madalina is really having problems with her mother and grandmother over this. That is proof that something is happening. But is was a great lesson from Acts Chapter Two the day of penecost. After the students of the first book repent and move into the second book it is great to see them answer with confidence of salavation type responses. This was at five o'clock.

(I didn't have my camera handy to take pictures with violeta and madalina)

ZONE 6 (6 PM)

Then at 6:30 I went to check on the group in the valley. We did share Jesus without fear two days ago and I realized that they really hadn't had much training in this. So Bogdon is now training the leaders to go and and use SJWF. They will do this every wednesday which is steps one and two... "find one person" and then "ask one question." I am very proud of this group.

ZONE 13 (7 PM)

Then it was back to Zone 13 doing "lesson four" in the National Bible Reading Campaing. This is a great group, very educated and of course hoping and praying for Luminita who is the leader of the pack. We had twelve or so there last night. They love doing these lessons and are very friendly to the work we are doing here in Galati and have asked us to go with them at times to teh 24 villages the work in! AMEN.....They also want us to see about talking with some of the teens they work with. It was a great study and they fed us well afterwards. Lesson Four is the one where the blind man starts to see and says..."All I know is that I was blind and now I see!"
It is a lesson from John chapter Nine. The leaders then kick this man out of the "church" because they proudly say that they follow Moses and that this man only followed Jesus....

Remeber to pray for Romania and Moldova. Many of the villages are being flooded now and hundreds of houses are being wiped out. At least ten people died in the villages that this group works in.