Wednesday, July 25, 2007

God is Good

I just wanted to post and tell people a little about what is going on here in Galati. First of all, the Geddes just returned from a wonderful vacation to Red Lake up in the center part of the mountians. We had a great time and it was long overdue. We spent three nights and four days seeing the wonderful sites and just having a great time. We priase the Lord for this time away as the family is probably the most "taken for granted" unit in the world. I continue to wonder how any family can stay together without actually doing things together. I had a wonderful time and feel like I am the most fortunate man alive. I have an awesome wife and children that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Back on the home front Bogdon and Mihia are really maturing in their roles as Zone leaders. Mihia led Iuian (a find from FBC) to Christ last night. Bogdon has several studies going on in the valley at his "training center" of which he has also led several people to Christ recently. They don't call for my help much anymore! Mihia also said that Catalin the guard that Lanny found is also wanting to repent and probably will soon. We led a girl to Christ at the Zone 9 training center last week also....either that or extremely close to repenting. Paula and Catalina along with Roxanna are leading a woman's Bible study in the valley and seeing great results! They were so happy the other day they had to just call me and burst out in joy after the first ladies study.

On the negitive front things aren't going so well for Gina as Danuti is back. This has sort of stopped all the Sunday meetings we were having. We also seem to have lost the ten or so that were coming from across the street. (Gina'a neighbors) They are still interested and have been helping us with many things as they have great connections. They had a bad car wreck recently and this slowed them down quite a bit. (I hate the devil). Sorina the girl who had been in the car wreck fell yesterday and broke her leg again right where the plate was holding her fracture together. The follow up from the Cameron team is proving to be very difficult because of the heat wave here in Romania...It is hot if you haven't heard...(we are in over 100 almost everyday as two have died here in Galati and over 700 have fell "not died but taken to hospitals" to heat related illness in Romania this month)....and the other problem is that people are now blowing off Mihia when he tries to call them with follow up questioins the old...."were busy now" call back later ..excuse! The Bible says we never give up though!

A couple of interesting findings this week. I met two people recently who were in the past witnessed to by a combination of nationals with Americans. One was Bogdon (he neglected to tell me this before) and the other a girl named Christine who told me how an american team led her to Christ at a younger age. This was very encouraging to me as we gave a clear Gospel presentation to over 400 people in Zone 9 last month. Also we now have started our second training group on Sunday morning. This group has a great deal of potential. I now have some one who is translating the training material for the Galati plan. This will help a great deal. I also have an administrator now that is willing to help me keep track of all the details and try to keep these lessons moving. Well, gotta go....things are moving forward here in Galati. Thanks for your prayers.

Ephesians 3:7 By God's special favor and mighty power, I ("we" in our case) have been given the wonderful privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News. keep reading...Just think! Though WE did nothing to deserve it, and though WE are the least deserving Christian(s) there are.....well you get the point....Sorry! Paul, for we know that it was you you were talking about but it seems that our names fit in there pretty well also!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Thanks First Baptist Cameron

John 4:34-38, 1 Cor. 3:5-9 we worked as a team but it was God made it happen!
Rasnov, a fortified city to hold off the advance of the turks..

Peles Castle a must see if you come to Romania.

We ran into Mr. Sing from the Mittel Steel Factory...he pulled out the New Testament we gave him a year ago! He is the man who employs 18000 men here in Galati. Two years ago we met him though David Man Sing from Cameron.
Mrs. Sing with the CFB ladies..

1 Thes. 5:8

A couple of people that are litterally in a box, unlike Lanny!

Team three....from Zach Wingate who will leave for his mission to South Korea in two weeks. He will teach 150 students a day his first year. He is teaching the OT Survey and Christian doctrines. He was a great addition to the team.

Nancy's NON STOP store across the street reminded me of Nancy's faith....Nancy never stops praying.... (1 Thes. 5:17)

Pator Jay with team one...we had a great month guys...hoping that God will bless you sooo much for your work you did for us here in Galati. May the Cameron Church be blessed for sending you.

We owe a big thank-you for all those who stayed behind and prayed. (1 Samuel 30:23-25)

Rasnov....with the old rugged cross in the back ground. (1 Cor. 2:2)

Bran Castle.....Dracula's (not)

My wife LOVES this picture! She is amazed at what the Romanians can put on their Dacia's. Matt 11:28

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Eugenia Needs Our Prayers

I am not sure exactly what the problem is but two days ago Eugenia, Bogdon's mother was working and collapsed. She was taken away by ambulance and will be operated on tomorrow. She doesn't know exactly what is wrong with her but the doctor made her sign a release, "unless she doesn't make it through the operation." She has an infection that has spread throughout her entire abdomen area. She is trying to keep her faith strong but is very frightened at the same time. Roxanna and Bogdon were there with her and were also very concerned. Please pray for Eugenia as she has a difficult day ahead of her.

Bogdon had a rough day also please pray for him also. More later......

Friday, July 13, 2007

Truth Training Towels and Tears

Here is our God Squad! We met yesterday July 12th. We had another great time talking to LOST people about Jesus. This team went out in the Valley (Zone 6) everyday from 2 to 4 working toward finding some more people for Bogdon to do studies with. They were armed with the TRUTH and went out with expectation in their hearts. This is a great group of people and I am very proud of Bogdon and Mihia who have risen to the occasion and become real leaders. This is really the first time we have been able to use the Z6 Small Group Training Center with a team and it was nice. The team knows there is something special about this you see it? Roxanna who just came to Christ on the 10th is now part of our team! She went out with us as a Born Again believer. This is a BIG part of our strategy. The traditional church waits and waits and waits and waits and waits .......well you get the picture! I understand that the catechism class Bogdon is in to be baptised into the traditional church has gone from 23 candidates down to 9 and they still have the interview with the pastor coming this week. A couple more will probably be sorted and sifted out of the original group. We will see if Bogdon and his mother make the cut! Pray for them this week. In all fairness there is a great chance that some of the 23 weren't even repenters BUT we must be careful not to hurt the wheat as we pull up the tares.....much better to let them grow together until the harvest in my opinion.

Here is one the a new families that we picked up this week. They were so attentive to the studies and want to do more. I will personally work with the three young men over in the training center. The grandmother is so sweet and really has a great deal of faith in God already. She wants to learn more. Rosmarie and Evelyn were prayer partners in this study and were amazed at the receptiveness of this family to the Bible Study.
Mihia, Zach and Bogdon's father. Bogdon's father is the one who let us rent the building he is not a believer and Zach tried to explain the Gospel to him and found out that this man is very confused! Pray for Nicholie as we would love to see him come to Christ! Thanks Zack for your faithfulness and preparedness to work some seeds into this man's heart.

Here is Roxanna translating for us with some more that we are trying to lead to Christ. The lady in the chair is the one that was in the horrible car wreck two months ago. She now is serving God and gives Him credit for saving her life. She is Danuts, KOT's niece. The one that we prayed the Lazarus prayer for and God brought her out of the coma that day.

Yesterday we had our first group meeting in the Zone 9 apartment. This is the group of ladies that will help me start the cell church in this area of town. We moved this group out of the church and into Zone 9. We will systematically study the Second Reformation and begin to use it as our play book. We also picked up Pastor Ovie's nephew to be our administrator connecting the workers with the work. This was a special day for me as a leader. They are following and being a big help. We start our second group in Holy Trinity this Sunday. Pray for us to keep learning and developing this according to God's Spirit looking for a new fresh style of church that transforms lives....not one that traps sinners in a web of tradition and legalism.

Cornel, another new believer...our first convert from Zone 9 ...Zack and I ran into an Orthodox Priest. We started to talk with him and Cornel who is still Orthodox told him the Baptist are teaching more about the Bible the you guys. "Do you have a Bible study?" he asked. The priest said yes...invited him to it....touched his head three times and gave him some Holy Towels. Well, Cornel DID NOT like the three taps on the head....wanted to retaliate right there but the HOLY SPIRIT kept him from it ..gave me the holy towels and then well Lanny got a hold of the holy towels and started a puppet show with them. Then brought our new convert into the charade until I finally had to end it with some form of respect for the concept of religion, something that has escaped my dear friend LANNY who has no sense of living in a box at all. May God give my brother a clear understanding of how wrong it is to take holy towels from an orthodox priest and begin to do a "squeaky voice" puppet show in front or our new converts!

Well it is 7:38 and I have to pick up the team at the Hotel in just twenty minutes. Needless to say that we had a tearful time of departure. Bogdon and Mariana could not hold back the tears as others also were so sad that this week was over. Bogdon was telling my on the way home that he now knows what Jesus meant when Jesus said, "I want to give you abundant life!" The tears of joy and sadness. It was a great month as Lanny and Whitney have been here the entire month, Pastor Jay and his beautiful family stayed two weeks, three teams from Cameron. Thanks FB Cameron you have made this missionary very, very happy and I priase God for you from the bottom of my heart! You all have a safe trip home and please share all that God is doing here in Galati with everybody you can to Him be the Glory and Honor for ever and ever......well it is now 7:51 I have nine minutes to get your team "Pastor Jay" thanks for getting me hooked on blogging I have even less time to do the work of the Lord! They use to do clogging in Missouri now they are all blogging!
I don't have time to make sure the text lines up with the pictures so have fun sorting it all out...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Team effort brings Roxanna to Christ

Roxanna repents... Today was a great day as we now have a new sister in the Lord. I am SURE of it! When we showed up to do street evangelism in Zone 6, the Valley I saw that Roxanna was there wanting to help us. She is Bogdon's sister and has listened to me, Bogdon and especially Paula tell her about Christ for over two months. The first time I met her two years ago she was completely Gothic and into Satanic type things. Today July 10th she gave her life to Christ. Landon knew that she was very close to repenting after talking with her yesterday. Today he said, "Hey let Zack and I work with Roxanna"...she would translate for them. Well, this was her last day as a lost person. Landon and Zack led her to Christ. Landon just asked her....."what is keeping you from coming to Christ?" She said nothing, "they prayed!" This was after Bogdon had her reading her Bible for the last week. The timing was PERFECT. Once again Cameron comes through with the push needed to bring us another repenter. WE ALL KNOW that Landon and Zack were picking extremely ripe fruit as God has been working in and around this young 18 year old for quite a while but they were ready and were there to catch it as it fell into their hands. That is why we come on be used of God. Amen! I went over and talked with Roxanna just a few minutes ago. She is definitely saved. So now this week alone Paula has seen her mother come to Christ, and Bogdon has seen his sister come to Christ. WOW!

I was also so proud of Evelyn Clemons tonight. She went out and was able to lead a discussion with a lady who dearly needed to hear from God. This lady needed to hear that God loved her . Mariana was also a great help in helping this lady see more clearly how much God loved her. She is suffering for past sins and thinks that God hates her for them. Pray for her as we will try to continue lessons with her.

Almost every person on the team had a great day. They are truly a well prepared team. Rosmarie and I had a great encounter with a lady in the Valley. We picked up two more contacts and Bogdon picked up four more Bible Studies in the valley. Things are looking great for the work in the Valley.

Well, we praise the Lord for a great day....Nopa Buna! We are having a great time here this week!

Monday, July 9, 2007

32 People Last Night

This team was blessed to be a part of this work God is doing in the Valley. This church from Cameron has literally seen this church plant from the ground up. In 2005 they followed one week after the team from Living Word Baptist did a big event at Club CFR where we met Bogdon and Gina for the first time. They followed one week later and was a part of the first repenters meeting we had in the valley. From then on they have been faithful to return and bring more and more people each year from First Baptist. This third team, in four weeks ,has landed and started working attending a traditional church service yesterday morning and a very fresh New Testament style church service in the evening. Last night was awesome! The American team really just watched last night with Landon giving his testimony to help the ten to twelve non-believers present understand what it means to be born again. We studied lesson four from the first book about the Blind Man. It is one of my favorite lessons to teach. But actually I have about 14 favorite lessons from the total of 20. We had this same group of Orthdox believers from last week attend.. only this time they were really in AGREEMENT with the truths the lessons taught about the religious leaders not really knowing Jesus ...only Moses. The lesson is from John chapter nine. We had about ten or so from Holy Trinity making up our National Leaders, we had seven from Cameron making the US team giving the nationals the support and encouragement they need but not taking center stage which normally happens. They are a great encouragement to Bogdon and Paula and have known them from before their repentance. One team member brought a Music Box for Paula and they just stood in awe saying "We have only seen these in the movies we have never held one" it was a true GOD moment when they received these gifts and also their children were presented with some personalized gifts with pictures from last years trip. What a great way to bless this young family. Thanks CAMERON!

We have a real prayer need with some in this group. First this beautiful young girl in the black with her hands on her face to the far right needs our prayers in the worst way. She is the 18 year old girl that has epilepsy fits. Last week we prayed for her and I even led her in the sinners prayer. Well she tried to kill herself several times this last week. She is truly tormented by evil spirits. I promised to pray for her by name, Carmen, this week and with the BLOOD OF JESUS type! Please join me in this and let's trust the Lord to give her victory over this terrible problem. Also there is a young lady named Christine who has two children and has been severely beaten by her husband. She was there last night. Also there is the lady named Luminita who as the cirrhosis or something I am not sure but she looks like she is 9 months pregnant. A doctor who was here only two weeks ago has said that he will do the operation for free in the states if we can get her there. Pray that God's will WILL be done first and foremost. Her husband is a great humble man and said he would give his life to see his wife's problem solved. They are all Orthodox believers.

Paula's mother Magalina who has prayed to accept Christ several times in the past came last night the meeting. She is not born again and at the invitation gave her life to Christ again! We will see if this time she really will turn from her sin or not. She is really been living on the dark side for the past few months. We pray that she really is liberated from a life of sin! To God be the glory.

Here my dear friend Mama Catie who is a widow and also a great evangelist is giving her testimony. She has to go to chemo therapy each month as she has a cancer that will probably take her home in the next few months. She is explaining how she came to Christ and that now she has no fear of death. The Orthodox were amazed at her faith. She called me just minutes before the meeting and said, "I want to go with you!" I am so glad that she came to the meeting.

Other news....coming...A man Lanny found on the street who is a security guard actually came to the training center last night in Zone 9 and seems to be moving towards Christ. His name is Cataline. Pray for him. Also, I spent two hours with the two Mormon ladies we used to life by yesterday. A year ago I gave them the multi fold tract explaining the differences between what the Mormons believe and what the Bible teaches. Well... I will explain the details later but it has caused an incredible stir in the church. Two extremely influential Romanian men in the church, one a professor and one an engineer who have both been trained in the states read the tract. They have now ran off one elder, they have not gotten any answers they are looking for. The two Mormon ladies are now really listening to me ....and this last man, the engineer went into the Mormon church and started raising all kinds of problems and is looking to have a meeting with me. The church is now down from 40 members to only 5 or 6, praise the Lord. The two Mormon ladies now really want to study with us in their homes and will invite others.
Today, I am taking children from the Valley and Stoicani to a camp this morning in the moutians. It seems a team of twenty or so Americans came and invited a huge amount of orphans to a camp. An Orthodox priest came and said NO! Now we are taking kids from all over this area to the camp all expenses paid. This is exactly what Luke 14 teaches us about the wedding supper! The camp is ready we just need the kids to come and enjoy it. Praise the Lord.....

Friday, July 6, 2007

Amazing Meeting in the Valley

Last Sunday night was an amazing night in the valley. We normally meet and do some lessons with Gina on Sundays. We really don't have so many showing up to these meetings from the valley but the Lord really has not given me the red light to stop them. I think that it is important to keep a consistent pressure on the valley until we see some results....waiting on the Lord to stir the hearts of the people. A couple of weeks ago a medical team went in the valley to set up a three hour clinic using Gina's house. Well, this turned out to be very successful with many people attending. The great part was that Christina Ignotovitch one of the missions directors at Holy Trinity Church really hit it off with Gina's neighbors. They are very educated and well thought of in the community. Well, they actually came to the meeting Sunday!

Their were about six from this group that Christian met and three others who came that Gina invited. We started the meeting with only Bogdon, Gina and myself at 5:30. Christian showed up at 6:00 then she invited her new friends across the street of which five of them came at 6:30, at 7:00 a taxi showed up with three more people Gina knows. Bogdon's mother then showed up and also Gabbi from the Holy Trinity church was there. God used him in a special way this night also. We did the first lesson in the third book of the National Bible Reading Campaign. It centers on a Salvation and is very effective at reviewing the truth of scripture regarding salvation. This group was absolutely amazed and started asking SOOO many questions! It went on for about one hour then we had a time of prayer.
Pray for Luminitza who has a terrible medical problem of some sort, she is in the black dress in the back of the group with the blond hair. I thought she was nine months pregnant and it turned out that what ever she has makes her look that way. We prayed for her. Also we prayed for Cornilia (I think that was her name) who is seated there on the left with the bill cap on. She is eighteen and has epilepsy fits quite often. She did pray to accept Christ but the truth is I am not sure she really understood. She had tears in her eyes when we laid hands on her and prayed for her sickness. We pray God will really move in the hearts of these people and help them become part of making our dream to have a church in the valley a reality!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Blog must go on.....

Well, I really have not been blogging much lately as we have been gone to Greece for our South AGM. I have many things to report. If you are interested in the work that these two teams have accomplished you need to read their blogs. They have been keeping a detailed account of every day and the progress that the Lord has allowed them to see and be apart of. The addresses for their blogs are: and and and and for the latest on how God worked through this wonderful team from Cameron church. They are a blogging bunch and very excited about just how God is using them here in Galati. Zone 9 is under the constant pressure of street evangelism and Bible Studies. I was in Greece while team two was here working in Zone 9 but I did keep in contact with them and even had Pastor Jay talk to the group I was teaching via the phone, it was great! Cameron FBC has now sent two teams with one more on the way this Saturday. I am amazed how receptive the people in Zone 9 were to these first two teams. There are so many stories that I am not sure if any one stands out over another. I am amazed at how these two teams were prepared to do street evangelism and Bible studies. Well, I have to sort out some of the details about the results of this last couple of weeks. I am certain that over 250 people were allowed to hear the Gospel, they have several Bible Studies that have been started. I just wanted to write a Blog and get started again. Many, many things are going on and I need to regroup and get focused again. So pray that I will be able to cover some of the results in the near future. Have a wonderful 4th of July. Three years ago they brought three people three years later they bring three teams! The best part is that they can expand their own work one team after another. Pray that we can really stay after these studies and see people start new groups.