Sunday, October 28, 2007

Randy and Teresa Myers Approved

It is early Sunday morning Oct. 28th , 2007. The phone rings...I get up wondering who would be calling me so early on a Sunday morning! It was Randy calling to tell me they had received permission to come to Romania under the Masters program with the International Mission Board. This is a big accomplishment as they have already accomplished quite a bit of work to get to this point. First of all they had already been on a couple overseas mission trips. They were working in their local church in many different areas. They felt a strong calling of the Lord to come and work here in Romania. Most important of all .....they understand that they are just two sinners saved by Grace. I am so proud to have them as a part of our team here in Romania. They will be arriving here sometime in April to begin their new lives!

They are also members of Living Word Baptist Church as we are. This is pretty amazing as now this church as two families on the mission field. As my good friend Lanny always says, "it is not the "seating" capacity that makes a great church but its "sending" capacity." This is primarily the result of the heart for missions that our former Pastor David Groves has and who is now doing missions full time himself as he has founded International Gospel Outreach (IGO). We were called to missions on a short term trip to Moldova that he led in June of 2002 and were on the field less then one year later with the IMB.

Here they are pictured with Zone 6 as the back drop, "the valley" as they call it here in Galati. This place has "stolen the hearts of almost every American that has stepped foot in there" That is sort of a pun for those that KNOW the place and what some of the activities are. Randy and Teresa left their hearts here a couple of years ago. Here they are standing with Bogdon.

Here is a picture of Lunuţa Stenga who Teresa actually led to Christ using the "People who Knew Jesus" Bible Studies. They have a wonderful relationship already. I can't wait for Teresa to learn the Romania language so they can be friends everyday! For those of you that remember Lunuta was the lady whose picture showed up on the Daily American Public back in May of 2005. Teresa cut that picture out and put it on her desk and began praying for this lady that she didn't even know.....

Randy and Bodgon make a good team and I pray that in the future they will be able to work together again doing the work of the ministry. Right now Bogdon is working in construction and does not have much time to do the Bible studies but I pray that God will change that somehow. When Randy gets here Bogdon will be his main help in the valley. Randy is a guy that speaks more through his tears then anything else PS 126:5....(which is really sort of an embarrassment to the old crusty evangelical "chosen frozen" group). But I say let those tears reach the lost with the Love that produces them....AMEN!

NO ONE, I repeat no one is more excited to have Randy and Teresa here more than Lorenso (Roland) who is shown here with his wife Laura. They are good friends of ours too as Roland would absolutely do anything for us. He is a great guy and I thank the Lord for his heart to help others. Any way he really sort of "spoiled" Randy and Teresa while they were here. He will be so glad to help them unpack their bags!
Praise the Lord for all the work He had done to prepare the transition for the Myers. Please be in prayer for them.....
Randy said that the only real "hitch" in the process was that they mentioned that when they were in Richmond to be interviewed they accidentally mentioned that they new me.....! But I know that the IMB by just trusting in God and His sovereign hand would still approve them even with this seemingly insurmountable problem.

Your apartment is ready and comes HIGHLY recommended by Pastor Jay Raines who stayed here very comfortably last year for almost a month....with his two children! Yes...there is room for Ruth or any others that you would like to host for a week or two....Randy.
Hey all joking aside I praise the Lord for the much needed help that is one the way....To the Lord above I give thanks to this day....even if I was pulled out of my nice comfortable bed to get this much anticipated phone call.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Big Opportunity

I really need everybody praying about an opportunity that might really help me expand the ministry to the west side of the city. I currently have a training center in Zone 9 that has been very effective and that primarily for its location (but was limited in what we could offer and how many we could minister to). We have not really had a chance to maximize this training center but several people have come to Christ there and we currently hold meetings on Wednesday and Friday in it. But I have an opportunity that will improve my abilty to keep them coming or potential. It would be great for reaching the younger generation. Here are some pictures and I will explain as I go...
This boys home housed 22 or 24 boys in the past. The problem is that many of the boys moved on and there just is not as many homeless kids as there were ten years ago. They only have five boys left and are starting to transition this into something different. The above room was where they trained the kids on the computers. This could still be used for On-line Bible training, computer training for those that need to learn working skills, it could be used for several different things.

This is the soccer/basket ball court that could be used to pull the kids out of the city and make contact with them. The only time I have ever been able to really round up a group was when we played basketball with them. I am thinking this would be a much better set up for keeping the youth and young adults. This would be far more effective for team building rather then reaching out but we need both and we need a place they will invite their friends to.

This is a large group meeting room on the third floor. Two years ago this is the room that we used to hold our devotions with the orphans. If you remember the "If you were accused of being a Christian story" this is where we put Damian on the stand to see if he was a True Believer! The boys then prayed for him.....and later he accepted Christ. the story about the trial...!

This is a room where I could have small conferences and also let them watch soccer games, play ping pong and just have fun for a while before going up stairs to the large group area on the third floor. This is directly off of the kitchen which would be great for staying extended periods of time.
What I am praying about is closing the training center in Zone 9. Moving it here and then working the entire west side of the city from here. Actually the LOCATION of this place is horrible (It very difficult to get here by any mode of transportaion). But once they get is awesome for its potential. So I am thinking that overall these young adults will come and that we could turn this place into a real dynamic place to reach the kids in the city. Train them in the Bible and then begin to reach out into some of our villages with them. The young people will come as they have NOTHING else to a fifteen minute walk, one that they make everyday for other reasons probably won't hurt them.
We would set it up for teams on the second floor and small group training on the third floor. I am told that over 60 people can meet in the large room downstairs where they normally ate. This could be used for a large group meeting and then break into the small groups up stairs where there would be around 6 groups of 10 each. Then they could transfer this back into the city.
So moving this direction is a HUGE step of faith and will require a great deal of work to pull it off the way I want it but one step at a time and all need to be by faith which has taken us this far! This would not be the sole purpose of the building as it would be used as a sort of guest house / conference hall that could be used by other churches and other mission teams that come to Galati.
Please pray about this.....thanks...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Never too tired for Jesus

Păuna who would normally be sitting to the right of her sister is now no longer with us. I had no assurance that she ever received forgiveness of her sins but I know that she did hear many times how she could. I pray that she is now with our Lord!
We asked Luminita if she was too tired to have the Bible Study knowing that it has been a very difficult and long week for her. She had to make many plans for her sister's funeral. She replied, "I am never too tired for Jesus!" This is really an amazing lady. She too has a chronic disease that really saps here energy. Last night was a very special night as we finished the second book (lesson 12). They said when do we start the next one?
Luminita's other sister was there also...the one that is holding the book to the right in the pink sweater, you can't really see her but she was in for the funeral. She has been really a "bad apple" of the bunch, in and out of jail a few times, very undisciplined and the sort. She sat and listened to the entire lesson, sort of settled down and listened to the answers over time. Her name is Carman. Please pray for her as she really was confronted in love with the Gospel. She really had me laughing with her blunt comments. Like for instance they were talking about some village and the people in it. We were waiting to eat, needed to pray first but it just kept going and going she said, " Hia sa rugăm apoi facem bârfim" "Let's pray and then we will (continue to) make gossip!" She also said "that the problem with tonight was that we are all woman and just kept talking and never stopped to listen to Troy." That is why I love working with lost people they are so honest, saved people are very polite but no so honest!
I was able to give a gift to Luminita. It is one that I brought from America. It is little figurine of an American Indian that is looking off in the distance waiting for someone, I told her that it looked like some one was looking or waiting for her...(She really loved the present and immediately put it on her shelf.) They are Gypsy people so they know they are related to the American Indians.
I also heard that the Orthodox priest that did the service was not mad at them for me being at the service and was actually upset that I didn't go to the meal afterwards as he wanted to talk with me. Pray about that!
So the study went great... they are really starting to struggle with the issue of repentance and baptism but we are really needing to pray for the Holy Spirit to break through and amaze us all. Last night was and awesome Bible Study!
Mama Catie just broke out in song singing to Carman a gospel song.... (they two 21 year olds that were there towards the end of the lesson, Mihiela and Petru a great young couple that have their act together just listened to her) well this young Romanian girl, just couldn't hold back the tears. It was amazing!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Member of Group in Zone 13 dies

We lost a member of our group in Zone 13 last night. Her name is Paună the one with glasses on in this picture. Her sister Luminiţa, (the lady who works for the mayors office) is the one that we have been praying for as she is extremely sick also. They have the same type of medical problems. Any way Pauna was not at the Bible Study we did last Thursday finishing the second book, lesson 12. She was in the hospital at Bucharest, very sick. We heard today that she didn't make it through the night. I am so thankful that we had so many opportunities to present the truth to her. She heard over and over that the only way to heaven was through repentance and faith in Christ.

Today when talking with Luminita her sister, we were amazed at what she said. "Oh, I believe my sister put her faith in Jesus! She came to every Bible Study we had in my apartment , except the last one....She was very smart and I know that she was answering all the questions correct. I can't wait until you come to our house this Thursday because everything, absolute everything is about JESUS!"

This is so amazing for us as we thought that all these lessons were for Luminita but for now the Lord has shown His mercy by allowing us to present the Gospel to her sister well over 40 or 50 times over the duration of these 12 lessons. I am certain that this Lady, as well of the rest of the group were just counting on their good deeds before they understood truth that came out of studing the "People Who Knew Jesus" lessons from the Gospel of John.

Please pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those that have to go through the difficulty of a funeral tomorrow. She was raising her two little nephews so please pray for them also.

I believe that the word got out that I needed prayer because I am certain that the "state of my faith" as increased back to where it was two years ago. It is really a miracle as I was in a pretty deep state of depression and discouragement just a week ago. Thanks for all your prayers! I have some good things to share with you but I prefer to do that in another post.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Birthdays Anniversaries and another month gone...

This is a birthday party that we had for Mama Catie , Katie and myself. This was a thrown by Christina who calls me her big Romanian brother. It was nice of them to invite us to the party and sing (Happy Birthday) to us in Romanian. We were very thankful for the opportunity to be with Mama Catie as she is struggling with cancer and taking therapy not feeling so well. She is faithful to go with us every Thursday to assist in the Bible Study in Zone 13 where we are doing lessons with 8-12 lost people (one is Luminita who works for the mayors office and is also very ill herself) some who are very, very close to repentance.

This is Katie's birthday party...not so extravagant but she did like her presents. She got a little boom box for her room and some parakeets and a couple of other things. She is 12 it has gone fast....(we actually forgot to spank her on her birthday)

As I turned 44 years with one foot in the grave (for those of you that will respond with the grim reaper song)...we also celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this month also....imagine Karla staying with me 21 years.....what an amazing God we have to give Karla that kind grace. We are still happily married and much in love...probably more then we did when me met...because now we know the Lord ......for my present to her I told her that we would sit down and listen to the thirteen sermons John Piper preached on marriage together..with my undivided attention. We are on number two and boy are they good. I am really seeing marriage in a new way tied to the Bible in a very intense and purposeful way. .... I thought that after listening to thirteen sermons from this Mr. Conviction Preacher Kinda Guy that Karla would finally straighten up! You can find his stuff at or just go . I highly recommend this web site!

Well, we have some studies continuing in Zone 9 on Wednesday's and Friday's. We have no real work going on in the valley as of now. But we have great news, official on this side and unofficial on the other side of the pond....but we heard that Randy and Teresa Myers will be joining Team Southeast Romania. This will be a great help to the much needed help in the valley and other area's in the region. Praise the Lord as He is sending more workers. More about them when it is official on both sides of the pond. They have been here before and were featured in some of the earliest blogs. I pray that God will bless them while at the same time expand His Kingdom through them. They are great people and I am honored to have them come along side us here in Galati.

It has been an extremely difficult month for us....please pray for us as I am working on a project that will cover the next four to five months until March. I am not so happy about being pulled away from the work again.....last year was for seven months.....! I am not being a real good missionary as I am wanting to get out and just lead people to Christ and start new groups! (Humor and Sarcasm intended!)
I am trying to be just good enough about this that I don't get fired but that is really taking all the patience I can muster. My wife said once that any time she wanted to really get even with me all she had to do was "hide my Bible" now it seems everytime that I am taken away from leading those simple little, anyone can do, Bible studies that are "leading people to Christ" I suffer greatly for this....well I can remeber a time when it was missing an NFL game that destroyed me! God is good......and pray that I keep my eyes on the one who is invisible.

Oh! We also had to travel three time to Bucharest this month. Katie had one "root canal" done that took three trips to finish....six hours under the drill! She was a very good patient the Dentist said. Now braces......:)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Lorenso saves the day

It was early Sunday morning. I was on my way to church. I will just send a quick note to Randy and Teresa telling them I am praying for them.

I hit the send button .....and the computer makes a high pitch .....and then dies!

I call Dr. Lorenso. He makes house calls on "Sunday" mornings. I told him ...I have an emergency. I had several reasons that I had to get my computer up and running. He then comes to our house in less then thirty minutes....begins to work....tells me not to look....that is if I have a weak heart. He then begins to take my computer apart one piece at at time. I have NOTHING backed up from the day I got it here back in Feb. OUCH!

Back in 2004....this is how Lorenso and I met, I had computer problems and he knew how to fix them! Well, praise the Lord for my good friend.

Hey! What about all the screws that are left over Lorenso......."you don't need those!" (just kidding) The patient is doing better but still shuts off once in awhile. I now have everything on an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE!

When you think about it this is exactly like our soul. It is not safe to believe you are going to heaven if you have just saved it on your computer. When the day comes that it crashes and it better have put your soul on the ETERNAL HARD DRIVE>AMEN!