Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy 44th Karla...you are awesome....

Today was my beautiful wife's 44th Birthday. She is absolutely the greatest wife, greatest mother, greatest ................, in the world. See the glow on her.....she is almost perfect!!! Well, I know that opposites attract and so does everybody else so I will stop now. We are truly blessed to still be in LOVE after 22 years of marriage.

We went out to Chinese and then came home to have ice cream. The kids were out playing and mama was in the living room checking to see how many people knew she was getting older.........

Leaders Meeting Navigating as a Team


Go back to the blog titled: Upper Room for Level Seven Groups and begin from there working your way back to here...

I wanted you to hear from our leaders and how you can pray for the needs of their groups.

Teresa: pray for a lady named Andriana who will be meeting with her this week.

Bogdon: pray for his guys that they will want to start new groups

Randy: pray for their children back home and the new grandbaby. We are praying that God will work a HUGE change of heart in the hearts of little Ema's parents....God can do this...and we believe HE WILL....

Costel: For Justin's groups , pray that they find people directly from the harvest to begin groups with and not just people out of the church that need something to do

Daniela: Pray that her group will begin inviting friends to her group

Angela: Not here but for her smooth transition to Galati in the upcoming week.

Randy and Dawn Nichols: They will be coming on to our team this year late December to move in and help us start work in Braila. Pray for their transition to the field and for the difficulties in leaving children in the states even though their children are grown they are very close to them.

Leaders Meeting on Tuesdays

Leaders Meeting. Troy (Galati), Bogdon (Zone 6), Teresa (Zone 7), Costel (Zone 9) in for Justin) Daniela (Zone 9), Randy (Zone 15) we were missing Paula (Zone 6), Mihia (Zone 15) and some others that will be working the plan but aren't yet ready.

I amso proud of this team. It seems that we always come away stronger and with more focus after each meeting. This one meeting we see that the need to continue the Galati Plan is a resounding yes but at the same time we need to relax a little and figure out exactly how to get the groups serving in some way using the Galati Plan as a back bone to our strategy not a pipe line! So after diagraming, discussing and deliberating we see more clear how to move forward in the same direction but not lock step. This was really one of our most productive meetings because we had three nationals with us who have the same heart, mind and soul who gave us some great feed back. We are also planning and praying for more leaders, teams that are coming and the work that is opening up in Bucharest.

Preparing for Leaders Meeting

This is once again showing those that are interested in our plan how it works, Day by Day. I don't think that we actually have an OPERATIONAL urban church planting model in our part of the world so this is becoming more and more important to me for helping other learn how to start a "Cell Church". They are a difficult animal to describe in the early stages because we all think so traditional. But some of the differences are easy to see. We don't have expensive buildings, we don' try to complicate the process of leading someone to Christ, we focus all most every bit of our training on reaching and disciplining lost people until they have a full understanding of Christian work. We have a plan that is the back bone to all we do which is tracked on a weekly basis by all people in the church. We think sitting in the benches at church is only for those who are not aware of the dangers facing the church at this time in history, and we put a high price tag on the issue of "knowing what being Born Again" means and exactly how someone is Born Again. (NOT BY GOOD WORKS, OR BY THEIR ABILITY TO OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS) It is by trusting in the character of God and that He can not lie...He has promised all who repent from their sins and turn to Him salvation in His Son and Only in His Son Jesus Christ. So putting your faith in Jesus is the exact same thing as trusting God to keep His promise.

In doing this we have come up with a way to measure the effectiveness of our teams in developing Groups that KNOW how to multiply. We train, teach, disciple and reach out to all that would be interested in joining us. As of now we are small and not to dangerous...but that is changing!!! Praise the Lord....

Galati and Braila NBRC work in progress

This is a great day for us in Galati, the entire Committe from our church is in our training center asking God for a clearer vision to pass on to the people. I know that they are ALL very interested in the "Cell Church" model. I pray that the LORD above will speak very clearly to them today and convince them that the traditional model of church planting needs to be changed. We pray that they will be drawn close to God today and that they will also be drawn closer to each other! Pray a VISION will imerge from their taking the time to pray and discuss the future of the church.

For this we are moving our leaders meeting to the Myres house today. Pray for us....also!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Level 5 Zones 7 and 15 leaders

Level 5 Zones 7 and 15

It is always a joy to meet with my leaders on Monday's. We are praying for all the work that Randy and Teresa do and discussing the next steps needed to take strategic steps forward with those that the Lord has brought into our lives that week. As of now we are looking at expanding the number of groups that Teresa is managing by getting one more of her leaders a group. So we do this and also we go over the Kingdom Doctrinal Track. We also talk about all those we KNOW are praying for us back in our home churches. We are now working at rebuilding our prayer net work by activating the blog again. Things go so much better when YOU ALL pray for us....so please as we update these blogs please pray for us....Randy and Teresa thanks for all your hard work....you are a real treasure to have on our team. I pray that God will answer all your prayers especially the ones we sent back to America today!

Level 5 Zone 6 Leader Paula KDT

Level 5 Zone 6

Every Monday I try and meet with Paula to take her through the KDT. It is not ideal conditions but when a person wants to learn as much as Paula does it makes no difference. She is leading a level four down in the valley. They have taken a family through all twenty of the NBRC and now she is taking them through the I've Been Born Again Now What ? This is leading this entire family closer and closer to Christ. Teresa is also going with Paula and we rejoice that a girl named Donna has recently come to Christ through the People Who Knew Jesus study. It is getting more and more exciting to see what God is doing through Paula's life!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Started in 2004 and still going...

We are pressing on: Even the Local Baptist Church is behind this one this time. Pastor Ovi called Bogdon and asked, "How can we help you?" that is awesome!!!

This group is made up of group leaders: Troy, Bogdon, Randy, Repenters from the valley Necu and his wife Donna who recently came to Christ, Mariara who came to Christ last fall, her husband Ion who also came to Christ last fall, Lenuta who was on the cover of the DAR three years ago, Gina who is always faithful to open her house to us, the four sisters and five others training to be leaders, Costel, Andrew, Madalina (Larisa) Iulia and some of the neighbors. So this is not actually a true LEVEL 7 but we will take it. We are hoping to have only believers at our level sevens and learn how to bring people to Christ in our level fours and threes. So that when the come to the Level 7's they know the Lord.

Level 7 Zone 6

Here we are again, at Gina's house trying to get a level 7 going. We have Bogdon who is dong all he KNOWS how to do. Of course Randy has stayed very faithful to the work in the valley adding sign language classes, Romanian language for the ones who don't know how to read. This also with Mihia, Larisa and now Iulia. Paula has a group that is now wanting to actually repent. Today we went over Hebrews 13 today "Jesus died outside the camp". I pray that the Lord will strengthen this group into something that will multiply over time. I am so proud of the work that everybody has done. We believe that we have nearly 20 repenters in the Valley now. Of this group less then half are from the valley. But for the first time everybody there is there for the right reasons. Nicu part of the Accordion family, Lenuta the lady from the DAR article, Nicu's wife Donna, Beca and a couple others are all repenters.

National Bible Reading Campaign in Zone 9

This is the first meeting with a level 5 in Zone 9. Daniela and her sisters recently had to move out of their apartment...nothing new...the fourth time in six months. This time we pray that the Lord will keep theme here. Each of the other times they we were On the Run and didn't have many options. This time also but the Lord delivered a great apartment for them. Soon Angela Stamps an IMB missionary will be their roomate also. So Daniela wanted to bring her group and Teresa's group over for a study in the Kingdom Doctrinal Track. We did an overview...handed out the newest KDT booklets and did a study on Abraham. This was awesome because we are have a solid combination of believers, new believers and lost people in this group. I am very excited to see what the Lord will do with this group of girls. They are ready to get out and so some work this summer. So as of now we have two level four groups in the zone 6, one level four in Zone 7, one level four in Zone 9, we have level one and two work going on in Zone 15 and a level seven in the training centner now and then along with a level 7 beginning in the valley today.

Level 1 prayer walking
Level 2 Share Jesus without fear
Level 3 National Bible Reading Campaign
Level 4 In Home Church (striving for this) Welcome, Worship, Word and Work
Level 5 Kingdom Doctrinal Track-2nd Reformation
Level 6 Repeating the training cycle
Level 7 "Cell Group" (combination of level 4 groups with no set material nor method)

The girl who says Amen at the end of the video has just recently come to Christ...