Sunday, April 26, 2009

National Bible Reading Campaign in Zone 9

This is the first meeting with a level 5 in Zone 9. Daniela and her sisters recently had to move out of their apartment...nothing new...the fourth time in six months. This time we pray that the Lord will keep theme here. Each of the other times they we were On the Run and didn't have many options. This time also but the Lord delivered a great apartment for them. Soon Angela Stamps an IMB missionary will be their roomate also. So Daniela wanted to bring her group and Teresa's group over for a study in the Kingdom Doctrinal Track. We did an overview...handed out the newest KDT booklets and did a study on Abraham. This was awesome because we are have a solid combination of believers, new believers and lost people in this group. I am very excited to see what the Lord will do with this group of girls. They are ready to get out and so some work this summer. So as of now we have two level four groups in the zone 6, one level four in Zone 7, one level four in Zone 9, we have level one and two work going on in Zone 15 and a level seven in the training centner now and then along with a level 7 beginning in the valley today.

Level 1 prayer walking
Level 2 Share Jesus without fear
Level 3 National Bible Reading Campaign
Level 4 In Home Church (striving for this) Welcome, Worship, Word and Work
Level 5 Kingdom Doctrinal Track-2nd Reformation
Level 6 Repeating the training cycle
Level 7 "Cell Group" (combination of level 4 groups with no set material nor method)

The girl who says Amen at the end of the video has just recently come to Christ...