Friday, July 6, 2007

Amazing Meeting in the Valley

Last Sunday night was an amazing night in the valley. We normally meet and do some lessons with Gina on Sundays. We really don't have so many showing up to these meetings from the valley but the Lord really has not given me the red light to stop them. I think that it is important to keep a consistent pressure on the valley until we see some results....waiting on the Lord to stir the hearts of the people. A couple of weeks ago a medical team went in the valley to set up a three hour clinic using Gina's house. Well, this turned out to be very successful with many people attending. The great part was that Christina Ignotovitch one of the missions directors at Holy Trinity Church really hit it off with Gina's neighbors. They are very educated and well thought of in the community. Well, they actually came to the meeting Sunday!

Their were about six from this group that Christian met and three others who came that Gina invited. We started the meeting with only Bogdon, Gina and myself at 5:30. Christian showed up at 6:00 then she invited her new friends across the street of which five of them came at 6:30, at 7:00 a taxi showed up with three more people Gina knows. Bogdon's mother then showed up and also Gabbi from the Holy Trinity church was there. God used him in a special way this night also. We did the first lesson in the third book of the National Bible Reading Campaign. It centers on a Salvation and is very effective at reviewing the truth of scripture regarding salvation. This group was absolutely amazed and started asking SOOO many questions! It went on for about one hour then we had a time of prayer.
Pray for Luminitza who has a terrible medical problem of some sort, she is in the black dress in the back of the group with the blond hair. I thought she was nine months pregnant and it turned out that what ever she has makes her look that way. We prayed for her. Also we prayed for Cornilia (I think that was her name) who is seated there on the left with the bill cap on. She is eighteen and has epilepsy fits quite often. She did pray to accept Christ but the truth is I am not sure she really understood. She had tears in her eyes when we laid hands on her and prayed for her sickness. We pray God will really move in the hearts of these people and help them become part of making our dream to have a church in the valley a reality!