Sunday, September 9, 2007

Great Evening in Zone 6

We all had a great time doing Share Jesus Without Fear (step 2) last night in the valley. We had many encounters that lasted over an extended period. Here we see Cornell on the far left who has only worked in Zone 9 before this working with us down in the valley. He did great and was very helpful. We also see Bogdon and Paula who are really taking on the task in the valley and Catalina who loves to do street evangelism and the in home Bible Studies.
Paul showing this group of people how he got saved. I liked his testimony because he said the first time the pastor prayed for him nothing happened! He then said, "Pastor, could you pray again nothing happened!" The second time, same thing and then finally he asked God to save him and it happened! He got saved! Paul did a great job with this family. I am thinking we have an invitation to see this family again and do some Bible Studies.Here Paul is really focusing in on the need for them to repent and give their lives to Jesus!

The family was willing to listen for over twenty minutes and we were blessed to get to share the Gospel with them.We had another great time with Nicolie and Costel the father and Uncle of Danuti (KOT). They asked many questions that started out with someone what of a challenge to us then warmed up when Cornell gave his testimony and told them that he was Orthodox! This totally devastated their excuses about being Orthodox and not wanting to change their religion. We may get to start up Bible studies again in their house. Nicolie has always welcomed us and admits that drinking is a big problem he has. His wife told me to pray that he would stop drinking and I said that I would also pray that he would start doing Bible Studies!

Over all in the valley we talked to many people, David and Marshall found a ship captain that seemed very interested in learning more. Bogdon was happy as he found a new family to do Bible Studies with and Marshall spent and extened time working on Bogdon's father who is so close to repenting, but not yet! With tears in his eyes and a heart wrenching prayer Marshall prayed for Nicolie that he would just give his life to Jesus! Nicolie is very, very close to repenting and admitted that he is so very proud of Bogdon and wants to be just like him. This made Bodgon extremely happy.

In just a few minutes we leave to go prayer walk in the valley and we will begin street evangelism in Zone 9 after lunch. Pray with us for all who have a heart to be here....and know these people from the city..