Sunday, April 22, 2007

Randy and Teresa From Living Word Baptist Church

Zone 6 (The Valley)

Here is a picture of Randy and Teresa who are with our pastor David Groves and his wife Karen. Randy and Teresa have come a week in front of eight more who will follow this coming Saturday. We hope and pray that this team will help us get the work in the valley started again. Humanly speaking it has come to a stop. God has continued to work in the hearts of some and many are waiting to start the Bible Studies again.

Here are Randy, Bogdon and Teresa. Zone 6 is in the background. We went down into the valley and visited with Lanutza (the DAR lady), Gina, Mirela, Danuti (KOT), and many others. We had a good day and have more people to see this week. Randy and Teresa will take a one hour Romanian lesson each day of this week. They attended the church service this morning and are staying in the house of a Romanian couple and enjoying it, so far! Pray that they will be a strong witness in front of this very Orthodox family.