Saturday, June 9, 2007

First Week of June

These are some people from Jeremy's church. He is leaving to go to Bucharest and is now hoping his people will become part of what I hope to be a cell church in this city. Here is Marian who lives in an orphanage and is interested in the things of God.
Here is Mihia who I am hoping will be a leader after he has been through some training and feels a little more apart of our group. He will really miss Jeremy as they had close friendship for several years. Jeremy led him to Christ. He is a people person and will do great when it is his time to lead a group.

Here is Florine and Tincuta who are a young married Orthodox couple. They are thinking about helping us start this new work. He is pretty sharp and will really be a good one to have on our side over time. They are young as she is only 20 and he is 21 I think. They have children already I think. So we are hoping to get these three guys in our new group that meets on Wednesday and maybe we can get a group of woman to start meeting with Tincuta. Pray about this.

This is Iulian Dantus who is the missionary over in Focsani (A city 40 miles from here). We will start meeting with him every other Tuesday and try to help the fledgling church over there. They have 14 members after about as many years. We will begin to divide the city into Zones and then ask the Lord to send us to the one He wants. I will try to learn how to develop this strategy in another city basically from scratch. Pray for us as we attempt this.

Bogdan and I had a busy week. Yesterday, we finished the repairs on the wall in the Modoi families new house, delivered some clothes to the nine families house, took medicine to Gabriels family set up for a "mini clinic" at Gina's house. We also talked to a girl named Laura who will be taken to jail in the next few days. What was her crime? Two months ago while she was in Itialy she contracted a very bad urinary tract infection. It almost took her life. They operated on her and kept her for two months. She now has to pay the bill. 6000 eruo which is around 8000 US dollars! She lives in the valley and does not even have a job. Because we are in the EU now this will happen more and more. She will probably have to spend 15 years paying off the 8000 dollars. This is incredible to me. If they do take her I will complain to the president of the country if I have to. This is just not right. Bogdon turns 28 years old tomorrow. I was 28 when I repented. He is one of two students in my intensive Bible Study. He is amazed at some of the things the Bible teaches.