Friday, January 2, 2009

Randy and Teresa Fight the Good Fight

We had a great time with our Wii Party. Randy and Teresa were on opposite teams and ended up having to box each other. Paul said fight the good fight. I am not sure that this has any thing to do with that verse but Randy put up a good fight. We had a great time bringing in the New Year together. Below is a bout between one of our newest converts Lydia and our Atlanta welterweight champ Jumpin "Flutters-like-a-bee stings like a bird" Justin Mcghin . Now this was FUNNY to watch. We belly laughed through the entire round. Finally, Justin gets the final blow in and Randy his trainer had never been more proud seeing this up and coming fighter finish off a GIRL!!!!

On the devotional side of life Paul said in 1 Cor 9:26 "I am not like a boxer who misses his punches." We need to be about hitting the opponent this year. It is imparitive to keep the focus on evangelism and making disciples for Christ. We might have a chance this summer to hit this city with several teams and nearly 12 to 20 full time workers. We can put quite a hurt on our opponent if we can just get some traction going before early summer. Pray for this...