Monday, May 26, 2008

Romanian Prom Night

Robert has been seeing Danilia now for about six months. They seem to get along great. She is the oldest of four sisters. (Her younger sister Gabriela is becoming good friends with Katie). Violeta, Danelia's friend is pictured in the black dress, she is one of Danelia's classmates. I don't think that Robert suffered too much this night but I told him as a missionary family we must do things that we hate doing. Hanging out with these two must have been missarable but he did fine. Robert truely entered into their culture this night! He did not know how to dance and really stood out like a true believer in Christ, PTL for this! We finally went and rescued him around 2:00 A.M. He promised that he would never to anything like this again it was so difficult for him :) actually for his parents ONLY!!! Daniella's family found Christ through an English team that came to their village to share the Gospel some time ago. They had been attending the Pentacostal church but now are attending the "Church in the Valley." They just adopted us!