This was May 1st, 2008, we had about 40 from the valley including children, we had about 20 Americans and 20 from the Baptist Church in the city. We need to get out and meet the people though because we just met for the third time and only had three people from the valley. We need to establish ourselves in the valley soon. Pray for us this week as we begin to knock on doors and help this fledgling church start along. We have had TREMENDOUS support from the big Baptist church Holy Trinity of which I am so thankful.... May God bless their efforts. We will begin to work extremely hard (when we have time) to get invitations out and also try to get in open the doors through the week. We will be looking for opportunities to get more people to come to our meetings. We meet every Sunday 10-12 and 6-8. We still need to get in the houses or we will not make it. We had almost 40 people from the mother church there this morning with out them it would be a very discouraging start.
Please pray that people will start coming to the services that we hold....many came that first day because the Americans were in town and they thought they might GET something from them. We have a toe hold in the valley and we plan on keeping it. People think that what we are doing is great but are not so motivated to come together, if we are in their house it is great though... We have a very important meeting on the 5th of June with a team from the states. They have the potential to help us in some very big ways. Please pray for this....