We took communion for the fist service in the valley it was so appropriate to share in this together with those who want the Lord's presence with us each and every step along the way. He has been so faithful to get us this far we dare not leave Him behind NOW!
It was a very casual invironment and we just went through Colossians chapter 1:15-23 to teach them some important truths about trusting our self or trusting in Christ who was from the begning, created all things, saved us from God's wrath by making peace with His blood and brought us back to God by His death in a human body. I simply tried to show them the could trust in Christ and Him alone for salvation. Bogdon and Paula really enjoyed the service also...PTL>
We were so glad to see Gina at our service. It was not easy but after about ten minutes of pleading with her she came to the morning service. It was at her house that the church really started over the six months of prayer meetings and bible studies. We have just changed locations. The church is not a building but a group who worship in spirit and truth! We asked each one to consider being baptised and begin taking the Lord's supper with us each time we take it. Two people raised their hands to begin this process we pray that we will be faithful to keep the services running..
We were so glad to see Gina at our service. It was not easy but after about ten minutes of pleading with her she came to the morning service. It was at her house that the church really started over the six months of prayer meetings and bible studies. We have just changed locations. The church is not a building but a group who worship in spirit and truth! We asked each one to consider being baptised and begin taking the Lord's supper with us each time we take it. Two people raised their hands to begin this process we pray that we will be faithful to keep the services running..