Thursday, May 29, 2008
Catalina after another convert
We had an interesting Bible Study yesterday in the valley. Catalina did lesson 7 with the family from 89 Dogari street. We call them the "nine families" family. Thru the lesson we lost all four men one by one.... some of them had also prayed about prayers in the past. We pray that someday they will see the need to actaully follow Christ. Any way there was a girl named Florentina that came to their house from Focsani who did want to pray a prayer and give her life to Christ. This is very common but we pray that the Lord accepted her prayer. She said that she would come to our meeting on Sunday. We hope she does. We spent about 30 minutes with her going over many passages of Scripture. Pray for Flori and that she will begin to follow Jesus and turn from her sins.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Romanian Prom Night
Robert has been seeing Danilia now for about six months. They seem to get along great. She is the oldest of four sisters. (Her younger sister Gabriela is becoming good friends with Katie). Violeta, Danelia's friend is pictured in the black dress, she is one of Danelia's classmates. I don't think that Robert suffered too much this night but I told him as a missionary family we must do things that we hate doing. Hanging out with these two must have been missarable but he did fine. Robert truely entered into their culture this night! He did not know how to dance and really stood out like a true believer in Christ, PTL for this! We finally went and rescued him around 2:00 A.M. He promised that he would never to anything like this again it was so difficult for him :) actually for his parents ONLY!!! Daniella's family found Christ through an English team that came to their village to share the Gospel some time ago. They had been attending the Pentacostal church but now are attending the "Church in the Valley." They just adopted us!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Just For DOC
Taken from wiki....
Maramureş is perhaps one of the better-known regions of Romania - but still not much travelled. Its well-preserved wooden villages and churches, its traditional lifestyle, and the local colourful dresses still in use make Maramureş as near to a living museum as can be found in Europe. The beautiful gentle landscape of fields and meadows, dotted with farms and villages, and its inhabitants, welcome visitors with wide-open arms. The famous wooden churches of the region were built during the 17th and 18th centuries, on the place of older churches that no longer exist. They are a response to a prohibition against stone Orthodox churches. The churches are made of thick logs, are quite small and dark inside, and painted with rather “naïve” Biblical scenes. The most characteristic features are the tall tower above the entrance and the massive roof that seems to dwarf the main body of the church.
At the ski area in Brashov is also a beautiful church like this.....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
This is Randy driving in Bucharest. He did great....I am having trouble uploading my video's now after seeing it work the last couple of days. I am not sure what the problem is. I am looking into this but if you happen to have any ideas please let me know. I am seeing the image on the compose page, the Html looks good but the blog is just blank or has the square and no footage. So let me know if you can help me. Thanks. I want to post about our trip to the Dentist...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Form One Group
This Bible study is happening as I post it. I left Teresa just a few minutes ago as she started her first lesson from the step Form One Group. After finishing the 20 lessons under the teach one lesson step they now move towards the Form One Group with a book called "I have been Born Again Now" what by Charles Brock. This plan is pretty on paper but looks more like a train wreck when put into practice. Pray that we get some momentum back and start going into these houses with more and more people. Notice the NICE QUIET environment they have to work in especially at the end!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Interview with Bogdon
DAR Lady Three Years Later
MAY FIRST Church Service in New Meeting Place
Please pray that people will start coming to the services that we hold....many came that first day because the Americans were in town and they thought they might GET something from them. We have a toe hold in the valley and we plan on keeping it. People think that what we are doing is great but are not so motivated to come together, if we are in their house it is great though... We have a very important meeting on the 5th of June with a team from the states. They have the potential to help us in some very big ways. Please pray for this....
Learning how to post a video
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Church in the Valley
We took communion for the fist service in the valley it was so appropriate to share in this together with those who want the Lord's presence with us each and every step along the way. He has been so faithful to get us this far we dare not leave Him behind NOW!
We were so glad to see Gina at our service. It was not easy but after about ten minutes of pleading with her she came to the morning service. It was at her house that the church really started over the six months of prayer meetings and bible studies. We have just changed locations. The church is not a building but a group who worship in spirit and truth! We asked each one to consider being baptised and begin taking the Lord's supper with us each time we take it. Two people raised their hands to begin this process we pray that we will be faithful to keep the services running..
Mini Cell Church Conference
Of course they had to bring snacks....Oh Lord help restrain from eating all this good food!
Aura who lives over in Zone12