Sunday, April 26, 2009

Started in 2004 and still going...

We are pressing on: Even the Local Baptist Church is behind this one this time. Pastor Ovi called Bogdon and asked, "How can we help you?" that is awesome!!!

This group is made up of group leaders: Troy, Bogdon, Randy, Repenters from the valley Necu and his wife Donna who recently came to Christ, Mariara who came to Christ last fall, her husband Ion who also came to Christ last fall, Lenuta who was on the cover of the DAR three years ago, Gina who is always faithful to open her house to us, the four sisters and five others training to be leaders, Costel, Andrew, Madalina (Larisa) Iulia and some of the neighbors. So this is not actually a true LEVEL 7 but we will take it. We are hoping to have only believers at our level sevens and learn how to bring people to Christ in our level fours and threes. So that when the come to the Level 7's they know the Lord.

Level 7 Zone 6

Here we are again, at Gina's house trying to get a level 7 going. We have Bogdon who is dong all he KNOWS how to do. Of course Randy has stayed very faithful to the work in the valley adding sign language classes, Romanian language for the ones who don't know how to read. This also with Mihia, Larisa and now Iulia. Paula has a group that is now wanting to actually repent. Today we went over Hebrews 13 today "Jesus died outside the camp". I pray that the Lord will strengthen this group into something that will multiply over time. I am so proud of the work that everybody has done. We believe that we have nearly 20 repenters in the Valley now. Of this group less then half are from the valley. But for the first time everybody there is there for the right reasons. Nicu part of the Accordion family, Lenuta the lady from the DAR article, Nicu's wife Donna, Beca and a couple others are all repenters.