This is once again showing those that are interested in our plan how it works, Day by Day. I don't think that we actually have an OPERATIONAL urban church planting model in our part of the world so this is becoming more and more important to me for helping other learn how to start a "Cell Church". They are a difficult animal to describe in the early stages because we all think so traditional. But some of the differences are easy to see. We don't have expensive buildings, we don' try to complicate the process of leading someone to Christ, we focus all most every bit of our training on reaching and disciplining lost people until they have a full understanding of Christian work. We have a plan that is the back bone to all we do which is tracked on a weekly basis by all people in the church. We think sitting in the benches at church is only for those who are not aware of the dangers facing the church at this time in history, and we put a high price tag on the issue of "knowing what being Born Again" means and exactly how someone is Born Again. (NOT BY GOOD WORKS, OR BY THEIR ABILITY TO OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS) It is by trusting in the character of God and that He can not lie...He has promised all who repent from their sins and turn to Him salvation in His Son and Only in His Son Jesus Christ. So putting your faith in Jesus is the exact same thing as trusting God to keep His promise.
In doing this we have come up with a way to measure the effectiveness of our teams in developing Groups that KNOW how to multiply. We train, teach, disciple and reach out to all that would be interested in joining us. As of now we are small and not to dangerous...but that is changing!!! Praise the Lord....