Monday, July 16, 2007

Thanks First Baptist Cameron

John 4:34-38, 1 Cor. 3:5-9 we worked as a team but it was God made it happen!
Rasnov, a fortified city to hold off the advance of the turks..

Peles Castle a must see if you come to Romania.

We ran into Mr. Sing from the Mittel Steel Factory...he pulled out the New Testament we gave him a year ago! He is the man who employs 18000 men here in Galati. Two years ago we met him though David Man Sing from Cameron.
Mrs. Sing with the CFB ladies..

1 Thes. 5:8

A couple of people that are litterally in a box, unlike Lanny!

Team three....from Zach Wingate who will leave for his mission to South Korea in two weeks. He will teach 150 students a day his first year. He is teaching the OT Survey and Christian doctrines. He was a great addition to the team.

Nancy's NON STOP store across the street reminded me of Nancy's faith....Nancy never stops praying.... (1 Thes. 5:17)

Pator Jay with team one...we had a great month guys...hoping that God will bless you sooo much for your work you did for us here in Galati. May the Cameron Church be blessed for sending you.

We owe a big thank-you for all those who stayed behind and prayed. (1 Samuel 30:23-25)

Rasnov....with the old rugged cross in the back ground. (1 Cor. 2:2)

Bran Castle.....Dracula's (not)

My wife LOVES this picture! She is amazed at what the Romanians can put on their Dacia's. Matt 11:28