Monday, July 9, 2007

32 People Last Night

This team was blessed to be a part of this work God is doing in the Valley. This church from Cameron has literally seen this church plant from the ground up. In 2005 they followed one week after the team from Living Word Baptist did a big event at Club CFR where we met Bogdon and Gina for the first time. They followed one week later and was a part of the first repenters meeting we had in the valley. From then on they have been faithful to return and bring more and more people each year from First Baptist. This third team, in four weeks ,has landed and started working attending a traditional church service yesterday morning and a very fresh New Testament style church service in the evening. Last night was awesome! The American team really just watched last night with Landon giving his testimony to help the ten to twelve non-believers present understand what it means to be born again. We studied lesson four from the first book about the Blind Man. It is one of my favorite lessons to teach. But actually I have about 14 favorite lessons from the total of 20. We had this same group of Orthdox believers from last week attend.. only this time they were really in AGREEMENT with the truths the lessons taught about the religious leaders not really knowing Jesus ...only Moses. The lesson is from John chapter nine. We had about ten or so from Holy Trinity making up our National Leaders, we had seven from Cameron making the US team giving the nationals the support and encouragement they need but not taking center stage which normally happens. They are a great encouragement to Bogdon and Paula and have known them from before their repentance. One team member brought a Music Box for Paula and they just stood in awe saying "We have only seen these in the movies we have never held one" it was a true GOD moment when they received these gifts and also their children were presented with some personalized gifts with pictures from last years trip. What a great way to bless this young family. Thanks CAMERON!

We have a real prayer need with some in this group. First this beautiful young girl in the black with her hands on her face to the far right needs our prayers in the worst way. She is the 18 year old girl that has epilepsy fits. Last week we prayed for her and I even led her in the sinners prayer. Well she tried to kill herself several times this last week. She is truly tormented by evil spirits. I promised to pray for her by name, Carmen, this week and with the BLOOD OF JESUS type! Please join me in this and let's trust the Lord to give her victory over this terrible problem. Also there is a young lady named Christine who has two children and has been severely beaten by her husband. She was there last night. Also there is the lady named Luminita who as the cirrhosis or something I am not sure but she looks like she is 9 months pregnant. A doctor who was here only two weeks ago has said that he will do the operation for free in the states if we can get her there. Pray that God's will WILL be done first and foremost. Her husband is a great humble man and said he would give his life to see his wife's problem solved. They are all Orthodox believers.

Paula's mother Magalina who has prayed to accept Christ several times in the past came last night the meeting. She is not born again and at the invitation gave her life to Christ again! We will see if this time she really will turn from her sin or not. She is really been living on the dark side for the past few months. We pray that she really is liberated from a life of sin! To God be the glory.

Here my dear friend Mama Catie who is a widow and also a great evangelist is giving her testimony. She has to go to chemo therapy each month as she has a cancer that will probably take her home in the next few months. She is explaining how she came to Christ and that now she has no fear of death. The Orthodox were amazed at her faith. She called me just minutes before the meeting and said, "I want to go with you!" I am so glad that she came to the meeting.

Other news....coming...A man Lanny found on the street who is a security guard actually came to the training center last night in Zone 9 and seems to be moving towards Christ. His name is Cataline. Pray for him. Also, I spent two hours with the two Mormon ladies we used to life by yesterday. A year ago I gave them the multi fold tract explaining the differences between what the Mormons believe and what the Bible teaches. Well... I will explain the details later but it has caused an incredible stir in the church. Two extremely influential Romanian men in the church, one a professor and one an engineer who have both been trained in the states read the tract. They have now ran off one elder, they have not gotten any answers they are looking for. The two Mormon ladies are now really listening to me ....and this last man, the engineer went into the Mormon church and started raising all kinds of problems and is looking to have a meeting with me. The church is now down from 40 members to only 5 or 6, praise the Lord. The two Mormon ladies now really want to study with us in their homes and will invite others.
Today, I am taking children from the Valley and Stoicani to a camp this morning in the moutians. It seems a team of twenty or so Americans came and invited a huge amount of orphans to a camp. An Orthodox priest came and said NO! Now we are taking kids from all over this area to the camp all expenses paid. This is exactly what Luke 14 teaches us about the wedding supper! The camp is ready we just need the kids to come and enjoy it. Praise the Lord.....