By sight this is a rather frustrating sight. We are tying to start a meeting in the valley with the fledgling group of believers we found almost two years ago. We are trying to get them together but this is proving to be almost impossible. To compound problems Danuti is now wanting to sell the house "out from under Gina" due to some extreme debt that his lifestyle has created. So now for the second time Danuti's lifestyle is threatening to take our meeting place. Last time was the apartment that we were meeting at. It seems almost no one will come to this house for the reputation it has. (The easy solution to move the location but I don't want to) We seem to have lost the ones that have fallen back into sin because they don't want to be convicted of their sins, and we can't get the others to come for what ever reasons. By sight this is a very discouraging situation. (By the way Danuti is becoming violent again and we need to pray for Gina has he is threatening her more and more. If he was close to repenting he sure isn't anymore!)
By FAITH in the resurrected Christ we have a great thing going on in the valley. Last night several woman came from the Holy Trinity church to our meeting. It was AWESOME! One of them, who was one of the two hit by the car described which was described in an earlier blog began to share with us from her heart. I will tell you about that later in this blog. We had Bogdon who is a true repenter now, who works with me, who is my Zone 6 leader making great progress. People in the valley are noticing a HUGE change in his life which is giving glory to God. Christa who I haven't been able to work with much comes to these meetings. She is one of the most humble gifted evangelical woman in all of Romania. We picked up two more girls. Catalina (who is like an evangelical pit pull) and Iliana from our group on Sunday mornings that are now working in the valley. Bogdon and I are meeting with Gabriels family on Saturdays at 6:00 and going through the exact study that we are doing at Gina's house. We may be able to start a third study over in another area. Paula, Bogdon's wife has people coming to her house for the express purpose of telling them how amazed they are at Bogdon's changed life. She is also starting the "John Studies" with three young mothers herself. So last night we only had ONE person, Gina, and a young girl from the valley at our second church meeting! But hey "whose counting anyway" We had a great time the Lord was with us in a big way!
We heard an amazing testimony of one lady during who during communist times was widowed at a young age. Forced to work in a factory to support herself. At one point she fell and broke her arms. It was at that time that her boss was looking to fire a couple of people. The workers "recommended" that they fire her because she believed in God, because she brought and read her Bible at work. So the boss went over to the hospital and handed her the papers. She was devastated. She decided to just go back to work anyway not having any choice. He made her start picking up the trash and cleaning toilets without pay! Then after a short while he pulled her aside and said that it was her co-workers, not him that wanted her fired. He then said that her faith had impressed him and that she could have her job back! To this very day when they meet on the street..he tips his hat to her....this a great sign of respect in this culture. So praise the Lord. She also has a heart for poetry and read a new one that she just wrote and very serious after nearly being hit by that car a month ago. She was holding her friends hand when it happened and her friend is the one I blogged about. Nearly the entire church saw it and thought they both were going to be killed. We call Katie the one in the accident Miracle now. The poem basically said, "confess your sins to God and stay close to Him for you don't know when He might take you home, every day could be your last!"
Good Advice!