We are seeing and hearing amazing things here in the valley. First of all the picture on the left is one of the girls that was in the accident the other day. She is fine and is doing much better then her sister. Both are cousins of Danuti. The older girl is in the hospital and doing a little better now. She came out of her coma and is making progress. God heard and answered our prayers. This also brought Danuti one step closer to repentance. He is now back home with Gina. He called me three times this week. He wants us to start seeing him every day if possible and he really wants to move closer to God. He doesn't want his boys to go to jail when they grow up. We just spent two hours with him and I believe that it is just a matter of time now. His friends are all in jail now, he has no money and is wanting to sell the house. (We don't want him to sell the house) We will start weekly meetings there next week.

A picture taken today......see the pool in the background. Danuti knows that I want to baptize him and Gina soon. He even said that he wants to make his marriage official and asked if I would do the ceremony. It would be the first one I ever did. I will make sure he is a true repenter first! So wedding bells could be in the air for them. Of course they already have been living together (well sort of but that is another story for another time) and have two children together so it is about time.

I am hoping that he will be one of the deacons in the new church we are planting in the valley! Don't mess with this deacon....or.... well, just don't mess with him! Please pray for Danuti, he needs to find a job and doesn't know what he can do that is legal. He really needs to find another line of work......pray for him.