Friday, April 6, 2007

One of "My" Converts gets saved

This is Bogdon and Paula and their two wonderful children, Gabriela and Robert. We have been friends with them almost from the time that we came to Galati. On March 3rd I posted a blog “True Convert”. It told us about Paula’s baptism. What is amazing is that her life did not become better after this. Her husband Bogdon became extremely difficult and began tormenting and taunting her about being a “repenter”. He made her life a living hell! This was amazing to us as he has been “a believer” for almost two years now. During this time he has: been in prayer groups, stood up at club CFR and told people that he was now a “repenter”, gone into the villages with us and translated Share Jesus without Fear numerous times, has tried to lead others to repentance, and even said in the past that he wanted to start churches and that the people need Jesus. Well, this was all from an unregenerate heart! (thinking of Judas now)
After Paula’s baptism he began to really become a tool of the evil one. He increased his drinking, drove Paula to the point that she was in the process of filing for a divorce, lost his job, and became angry at everybody in the church. I confronted him a week ago…this with much prayer cover in the states. I explained to him that, based on the scripture, that there was absolutely no evidence, what so ever, that he actually ever repented. I showed him 1 Cor 6:9-10, 1 John 3:4-10, Matthew 24:45-50. Some of Paula’s friends from the local church, that Paula is a member of, also were confronting him. He really became a product of what we see in 1 Cor. 5:1-5 ‘where he was cast from the assembly” even though he wasn’t even a member! The end result ……he REPENTED of his sins!

On April 4th I received a phone call, “Troy I am BORNED AGAIN” “I really understand now!” I got on my knees last night and “I am BORNED AGAIN” “I GIVE MY LIFE TO JESUS!” I cried and cried last night and all today. I see that I am a sinner and that I can do nothing to please God. I tried, I can’t make it on my own….I need Jesus! What a great blog to post on this “Sacred Day” Passover! I am very convinced that he is now a TRUE CONVERT, as for his wife…..pray that God will put them back together soon, she moved out and was looking to divorce him. I always HATED hearing Bogdon say….”Troy you change my life soooo much” “Troy you do so much for me”….Bogdon was one of "my converts"….Now….he is saying “Jesus changed my life” "I give my life to Jesus"…….praise the Lord!

He believed that which he did not “understand”….he remained lost and living a life of sin. Now…realizing that he is a sinner in need of a Savior…..has eternal life! I close with the words of Paul…Galatians 6:15 “what counts is whether we really have been changed into new and different people and Col. 1:6 “This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours that very first day you heard and UNDERSTOOD the truth about God’s great kindness to sinners! Read Ezekiel 36:25-27 to see why and how someones life changes when they are born again!

Thank God for the power of the Resurrection and NEW life in Christ Jesus!