Yesterday we had a great day! This is Pastor David speaking to my mission training class yesterday morning before church. He had only five minutes to explain the Cane Creek Stoddard Baptist Association's commitment to the Cell Church plant in Zone 9. This was great for the nationals to hear this. They were very encouraged to see the team in our morning class.
We spent the day inviting people in the valley to the monday meeting. We really need prayer for the meeting tonight. It will be the first step at actually taking a concrete step towards a church start in the valley. AMEN!
It was a great honor to get to introduce our church from Southeast Missouri to our church in Southeast Romania.
I don't have a picture but last night Pastor was the "Man of the Hour". God really lit him up as he preached from Isaiah 6 to about 350 people at Holy Trinity church. He really spoke to the hearts of the people here in Galati. More importantly he connected with Pastor Ovie. His experiance in Europe really came forth in his sermon as he began to list the excuses people use for not doing evangelism (after speaking of the ones we use in America) and I even saw many tears from people who are being called to missions. I shed a few myself! He kept saying "you should share your faith because you can" It was great to see him exactly where God wants him, needs him and also at the same time working out his passion for the lost. In the middle of his sermon Pastor Ovie seemed to really be stirred and wrote me a note. "Troy do you need anything from us, do you have enough translators?" I wrote back... I need two more translators and I forgot to set up dinners for the team, can you help?" SOS TEAM NEEDS FOOD! After the service....he also found us a ride to Moldova this friday. This took so much pressure off of me and the sermon was just what we needed to start off a week of Evangelism. Pray that the meeting tonight goes well... it is a very important meeting and we covet your prayers. We also will begin new work in Zone 9 each and every morning starting today. It appears the weather will cooporate, AMEN. We pray that God will go before us and find us people who don't want to go to hell when they die!
Thanks for praying.....He answered in a BIG WAY!
One funny note: His interpreter was a young lady who asked him to go over the sermon a bit so she could do a better job. He told her, "I sing sometimes when I preach....can you sing also?' She said, "Yes! Of course would you also like to dance!"