Bogdon and I had a great time in the Valley last night. We first met with this family. The man on the far right says he repented around 10 years ago but lost touch with the church. He really was interested in getting together with a group of men. He says it seems like their is more power when a group of men pray together. This matched the instructions I gave Bogdon exactly. The lady wearing the pink says that she smokes therefore can not be saved! (We shared with her for over 20 minutes) Before we went down into the valley Bodgon was very discouraged and doubting that this is the work that God wanted him to do. He was not sure that he could do the work. THIS IS A GOOD thing. I have noticed it is when they are certian that they can do the work that it goes no where. Any way I told Bogdon, "lets just try and get one men's group started on Sunday evenings, One mens group and one ladies group." So before we have been in the valley even ten minutes, Zasham! It was great for both of us!
We went on to find several more men that said they would come to the group. When we were leaving the Valley I said, "Bogdon this was a great evening....and we really aren't out of the valley yet." We were climbing that big hill where several houses line both sides of the road. Just then I noticed Relu, a man I had been talking to a year ago. He now has a good job and said, "I want to start lessons again. Me and my wife." So in just a few hours God, once again used the Valley to teach this church planter and assistant a lesson on His ways and methods. I am so sorry that everybody doesn't get to experiance this kind of on the edge of lostness kind of thing but it really just continues to blow my mind and expand my faith every time I walk down in the valley. The 18 year old man we talked with two nights ago....Resvon...went to church last night. After talking with us he told his mom.... "I really want to repent but I can't read very well." This is another great thing we learned while in the valley." One child from the Nine Families had a young child hit by a car yesterday. We hope and pray that she will be alright. We understand that she did not die and that the situation is improving.