Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pray for the Myers

Please pray for my two dear friends, Randy and Teresa Myers who are leaving for thier eight weeks of training soon. They have already sold out to Jesus and now have sold out most of their earthly belongings. I am so thankful for them and ask that you lift them before the Lord every day for the next couple of months. Culture shock is just a couple months away...actually it will be longer than that for these two but it is coming ...mark my is coming...if it takes five is coming! They will be such a great help and arrive just three days before the second of six teams arrives here in Galati. We also have two volunteers that should be here by July that are planning on staying three years! PTL.
Well, this is my project for the next 10 to 20 years of my life, Lord willing! We have been sort of shocked by the addition of this new building. It is absolutely unbelievable how the Lord works through our desires. We always hope that our desires are in allignment with His. This building was used to house almost 24 children (now only four) and was a full fledged Orphange. Because the Lord has been bringing aide to Romania this need is not nearly as strong as it was 15 years ago. The laws are changing and conditions are improving. So we were approached by two members of the Church who are elders and were asked if we might be able to use this building! Because of the Cane Creek Partnership and the number of teams that have come to Galati, (three alone from Cameron First last year) we were with confidence able to move the training center from Zone 9 to this location. So now this is the focus of all missions outreach for Southeastern Romania not just Zone 9. I am so SCARED when I dare look at my abilities and Excited at the same time while looking to God for everything. What is more amazing is that it was a gift. They didn't ask for any money and are not expecting any. They too are trusting that this is what God wants them to do with the building. Of coarse we are helping with what we have but we all believe that God is about to do some incredible things because he has given us so much FAITH to do it!

We decided to convert the first room into a prayer room. This is not finished quite yet but we expect to have many a prayer meetings in this room. Hopefully you too will be able to join us in prayer for the multiplication of churches here in South East Romania.
"That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us cling to him and never stop trusting him. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all the same temptations we do, yet HE did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it." Hebrews 4:14-16This is what it looked like last month. We can't wait to begin prayer meetings here. My idea is that people will move from the mobilization room into the vision room and then finally into the prayer room knowing exactly how to pray for the missions work. This is a very focused effort and it is my hearts desire that we will pound the heavens for a revival to break out in this room and far beyond. Someone has said that when Baptist become known as "praying" people the world will never be the same again!"

Below is the vision room. I don't have all my maps up yet but this will be sort of the conference room that will allow us to "see the places" that we will be working and contian a list of specific prayer needs that will advance the Kingdom. I am very convinced from spending five years on the field that we don't depend on the power of prayer enough, this is effident by the amount of credit we give to ourselves for things only God can do. I am certian that if we pray more in a spirit of dependancy and spend less time bragging about what we did, we will see more than we could possibly imagine. We have so many lost people here that it almost defies logic. We must have an out pouring of the Holy Spirit into the lives of these people, ours first!

They allowed me to choose the colors. I can't wait to be plotting missions strategy from this room. I am so excited about this but must be very patient at the same time. God wants to do something with this building and we are certian but are beign faithful in as much as we know and follow Him....but God is only a "lamp to our feet" not "landing lights" to our heads. We must wait and wait and wait upon the Lord.

This is what it looked like one month ago. We will systematically go through this building and prepare it to be a Missions Center for reaching South East Romania, neighboring Russian and Turkish speaking countries. May God allow this to happen! I guess after I learn Romanian I will still have much work to do! I THANK GOD above for giving us this incredible opportunity to influence His Kingdom and also the privledge of working with the SBC churches to reach these incredible Romanian Orthodox believers. They are so receptive to the Gospel and it is my belief that they are simply dying for lack of information. What a challange to give them at least one shot at the True Gospel before enternity sneaks up and takes them away...this is our great challange!

You have to check out this blog site. It was done by my dear friend and faithful supporter, Lanny Wake. It brought tears to my eyes because God has shown me that He is so faithful at a time when I really needed some encouragement! Thanks Lanny.
It should be titled 2007 FBC Mission Trip, Galati Romania.

AMEN... good to be blogging again. We will be in Prague for the next three weeks for Strategy Coordinator training. The entire family will go. Thanks for praying for Karla as she has just returned from the states laying her brother to rest. She is very tired....but strong in the Lord.

Go Patriots! That is an NFL team for those of you who are not worldly...National Football is what I got saved from back in 1992! But now I am looking for that 19-0 season..what a great game you all will get to watch..
pray that I will get to see it some how....