Monday, October 22, 2007

Birthdays Anniversaries and another month gone...

This is a birthday party that we had for Mama Catie , Katie and myself. This was a thrown by Christina who calls me her big Romanian brother. It was nice of them to invite us to the party and sing (Happy Birthday) to us in Romanian. We were very thankful for the opportunity to be with Mama Catie as she is struggling with cancer and taking therapy not feeling so well. She is faithful to go with us every Thursday to assist in the Bible Study in Zone 13 where we are doing lessons with 8-12 lost people (one is Luminita who works for the mayors office and is also very ill herself) some who are very, very close to repentance.

This is Katie's birthday party...not so extravagant but she did like her presents. She got a little boom box for her room and some parakeets and a couple of other things. She is 12 it has gone fast....(we actually forgot to spank her on her birthday)

As I turned 44 years with one foot in the grave (for those of you that will respond with the grim reaper song)...we also celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary this month also....imagine Karla staying with me 21 years.....what an amazing God we have to give Karla that kind grace. We are still happily married and much in love...probably more then we did when me met...because now we know the Lord ......for my present to her I told her that we would sit down and listen to the thirteen sermons John Piper preached on marriage together..with my undivided attention. We are on number two and boy are they good. I am really seeing marriage in a new way tied to the Bible in a very intense and purposeful way. .... I thought that after listening to thirteen sermons from this Mr. Conviction Preacher Kinda Guy that Karla would finally straighten up! You can find his stuff at or just go . I highly recommend this web site!

Well, we have some studies continuing in Zone 9 on Wednesday's and Friday's. We have no real work going on in the valley as of now. But we have great news, official on this side and unofficial on the other side of the pond....but we heard that Randy and Teresa Myers will be joining Team Southeast Romania. This will be a great help to the much needed help in the valley and other area's in the region. Praise the Lord as He is sending more workers. More about them when it is official on both sides of the pond. They have been here before and were featured in some of the earliest blogs. I pray that God will bless them while at the same time expand His Kingdom through them. They are great people and I am honored to have them come along side us here in Galati.

It has been an extremely difficult month for us....please pray for us as I am working on a project that will cover the next four to five months until March. I am not so happy about being pulled away from the work again.....last year was for seven months.....! I am not being a real good missionary as I am wanting to get out and just lead people to Christ and start new groups! (Humor and Sarcasm intended!)
I am trying to be just good enough about this that I don't get fired but that is really taking all the patience I can muster. My wife said once that any time she wanted to really get even with me all she had to do was "hide my Bible" now it seems everytime that I am taken away from leading those simple little, anyone can do, Bible studies that are "leading people to Christ" I suffer greatly for this....well I can remeber a time when it was missing an NFL game that destroyed me! God is good......and pray that I keep my eyes on the one who is invisible.

Oh! We also had to travel three time to Bucharest this month. Katie had one "root canal" done that took three trips to finish....six hours under the drill! She was a very good patient the Dentist said. Now braces......:)