Păuna who would normally be sitting to the right of her sister is now no longer with us. I had no assurance that she ever received forgiveness of her sins but I know that she did hear many times how she could. I pray that she is now with our Lord!
We asked Luminita if she was too tired to have the Bible Study knowing that it has been a very difficult and long week for her. She had to make many plans for her sister's funeral. She replied,
"I am never too tired for Jesus!" This is really an amazing lady. She too has a chronic disease that really saps here energy. Last night was a very special night as we finished the second book (lesson 12). They said when do we start the next one?
Luminita's other sister was there also...the one that is holding the book to the right in the pink sweater, you can't really see her but she was in for the funeral. She has been really a "bad apple" of the bunch, in and out of jail a few times, very undisciplined and the sort. She sat and listened to the entire lesson, sort of settled down and listened to the answers over time. Her name is Carman. Please pray for her as she really was confronted in love with the Gospel. She really had me laughing with her blunt comments. Like for instance they were talking about some village and the people in it. We were waiting to eat, needed to pray first but it just kept going and going she said, " Hia sa rugăm apoi facem bârfim" "Let's pray and then we will (continue to) make gossip!" She also said "that the problem with tonight was that we are all woman and just kept talking and never stopped to listen to Troy." That is why I love working with lost people they are so honest, saved people are very polite but no so honest!
I was able to give a gift to Luminita. It is one that I brought from America. It is little figurine of an American Indian that is looking off in the distance waiting for someone, I told her that it looked like some one was looking or waiting for her...(She really loved the present and immediately put it on her shelf.) They are Gypsy people so they know they are related to the American Indians.
I also heard that the Orthodox priest that did the service was not mad at them for me being at the service and was actually upset that I didn't go to the meal afterwards as he wanted to talk with me. Pray about that!
So the study went great... they are really starting to struggle with the issue of repentance and baptism but we are really needing to pray for the Holy Spirit to break through and amaze us all. Last night was and awesome Bible Study!
Mama Catie just broke out in song singing to Carman a gospel song.... (they two 21 year olds that were there towards the end of the lesson, Mihiela and Petru a great young couple that have their act together just listened to her) well this young Romanian girl, just couldn't hold back the tears. It was amazing!