I "skipped church" and just stood outside and began to tell her about Jesus. "The sermon inside was how people refuse to come in the church and just stand out in the hall!" I found out later of course as I was a "very bad boy" trying to lead this Chinese girl to Christ and not into the building! Any way she asked me questions like, "Why did he become a man?" "Did he have to become a sacrifice for our sins?" "Did someone make Him do this or was it His will?" "But we are told that the Christan faith is hostile to the environment and the animals." "How do you know that the Bible is the Word of God?" This went on for about three hours after church. She came over and had lunch with us and kept asking questions.
I happened to have a book written by Ergun Mehmet Caner,( one of the leading apologetic teachers in America and teaches at Liberty University) called When Worldviews Collide. She looked at the part on Buddhism and was amazed. She is not a Buddhist and sees that they are only after money and that they make too many idols. I showed her Romans chapter one and she said, "This is just like my country!" Any way she left on Sunday promising to come back.
So last night I had her watch a documentary on "The Questions of Origins" and for the first time admitted that the theory of evolution had some real problems but she could not see that creation had any proof either. But she had her note pad here on her left and was taking notes. She will be taking a copy of this documentary with her. I also gave her a book on "What Darwin didn't know" and the book from Ergun Caner. I asked her if she had room for all this in her luggage? "Of course I will make room for all of this" This young woman is at the top of her social class. She comes from a very successful family and is a biology major (at the top of her class but with extreme grace and humility she mentioned this) ..with a great desire to make the world a better place.
She said it seems like Christ was a weak man if he tells us to "turn the other cheek" and "to love our enemy" this is not possible! I explained that in her country she they have Matial Artists that are sooooo very powerful that refuse to hurt anybody because it shows more power when you DON'T use it. She exclaimed, "How did you know that this is a sort of secret in our country, what you see on the TV is NOT what martial arts is about!"
She also said that it was unfair for God to test Abraham. This from Genesis 22. I said why did you take a TOFL test? She said, because she wanted to go to America. I said so if you pass the test you get a reward right! "She responded, "Oh, I see, there is a reward for us in heaven if we believe!
She keeps saying that she feels like it was not chance that her plane ticket was cancelled, that she didn't go into the country side this last weekend as she had all the other weekends she was here. She even said. "If I decide to follow Jesus I must change....words you don't hear anymore from the western world! She said, What if I wait to decide to follow Jesus until I can be certian because if I give my life to Christ I must follow him and be a missionary to my people! They have almost NO way of knowing all that you have told me. This is the first time I have every heard any of this. She also said that she though it was great that we prayed! At the end of the night we prayed that God would use her in a big way to reach her people. "Did you memorize that prayer?" "How did you learn to pray that way? It made my entire body shake and my skin felt funny!" What an amazing thing to hear after praying with so many others that don't feel a thing. It is obvious to me that God's hand is on this young lady in a powerful way. I told her about Abraham and she said...."but this is all just ledgend isn't it!" My people say everything is just ledgend but some of this must be true......
This young girl lives in Beijing China....30 million people...a city with as many people as live in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Missippi, The Carolina's, and Virginia! But we "need to reach our own first" before we think of 30 million lost people ,(this in just one city and is not counting the 2 billion, 1/3 of the earths population that live in the countryof China) people without Jesus. In China "each year" the number of people that live in New York City, 7.5 million people, die without ever hearing the Gospel one time in their life. And we freaked out when 2500 people died on Sept, 11th! God help us to quit being so self centered! Rev 3:17 and no I am not sorry if this offends you....I am amazed that we are so incredibly selfish and ask God to show mercy on ALL of us!