This is thier new home the mayor gave them after they were put out in the street a couple of nights ago. It seems the owner of the house they were in decided to kick them out. It was a neighbor and there must have been some problems brewing between them. The father is an alcoholic as are most of the men in the valley. He might have caused some problems. But any way the law in this country says that the mayor must find them a new house within one month.
This new "house" is a disaster area! I couldn't belief it when I saw this place. They have one room, for six to eight people, with one small entry. They have no water, gas or electric as of now. The "house" was up to their chests in garbage that they had to and are still in the process of cleaning out. They have been promised by the mayor to make it a better place in the future. This really breaks my heart because there really is very little I can do about this. I am planning on trying to see the mayor and at least plea on there behalf. Please pray about this.
The far wall is almost not there. Look at all the cracks in it. It is truely unsafe for them to be in this place. They sleep there now without lights! Just to the right of this picture are cracks so large you could hand objects through them.
The far wall is almost not there. Look at all the cracks in it. It is truely unsafe for them to be in this place. They sleep there now without lights! Just to the right of this picture are cracks so large you could hand objects through them.
Please pray for them. God knows why this happens and expects us to lift these needs in prayer. As you know I have been working in the valley and see many discusting and cruel things but this is one that really grabs me as it "seems" so unfair. They have promised that we can start Bible studies up once again once they get their house in order. They are ashamed of this place as of now. One good note is that she likes the location better then the one in the valley as it is near the local outdoor market. Praise the Lord for this......
Mrs. Madoi and her son. Please lift them and there needs to the Lord. This will be the new house for six to eight people now. Most of them adults.....
Mrs. Madoi and her son. Please lift them and there needs to the Lord. This will be the new house for six to eight people now. Most of them adults.....