Sunday, March 25, 2007

Led by Nationals

Today, March 25th, 2007 we met in Pastor Ovie’s office to begin training for the express purpose of reaching Zone 9 with a Cell Church. This will include going through the Share Jesus without Fear method of Evangelism, The National Bible Reading Campaign booklets, the Charles Brock studies and watching the Bill Beckham Cell group DVD’s recently created. Many in this group were already working last year at Billa, in the streets and doing Bible studies in homes. We will begin to pray and ask God how we can best reach the people in Zone 9. This was a huge step in the right direction and I am very thankful for Pastor Ovie’s support. He is a key player in this and is allowing me to have a lot of freedom with his people. Pator Ovie and I have begun meeting each Friday at 11:00 to discuss progress, this will be great for me. In this group are very strong committed believers some have already led people to faith in Christ. We will now just coordinate our efforts and try to inflict more pain on the enemy!

Last Sunday, I was allowed to preach and presented Pastor Ovie with a couple of presents from "my part of the wilderness", Western Colorado. I gave him a cowboy riding a horse and holding a calf in his arms like a Sheppard, symbolizing love. Along with that, I gave him a badge shaped like a star that said “Sherriff of the Wild, Wild West!” representing law and justice. I said with out love we run people away and without justice we leave them in their sins. Pastors must have a large dose of both to do our job Biblically. He loved them…..! Plus -there is only room for one Sherriff in this town! Pray for this group and also that we might be able to start a second group soon….we already have people waiting!