Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Joe begins to follow Christ

This is Robert's friend Joe, (Johanas) somehow they met over the internet about three years ago I think. Robert began witnessing to him...and just chatting with him nearly every week if not day. They became extremely good friends although Joe was sticking to his story about what he believes. He is Catholic and that was enough. Well, when we went to Prague this past February for training Joe was able to train down and meet us. This was a very special time for Robert and Joe. He is a great young man. Very responsible and friendly. Well, he could only stay one day and I also had the chance to witness to him while we waited on the train. I had a little gospel presentation on the back of the international church bulletin. He read that all the way home and began thinking about being saved. He continued to write Robert and Robert handed him over to me via e-mail. "Dad Joe wants to be saved". So I started down the SJWF passages and only sent him one passage. Explain this to me.."For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". He wrote back with the answer and then said..."How long does this take to be saved!" "I am a desk clerk and I may fall asleep and hit my head and die." I don't want to tell God I was going to get saved..... So any way the next night I spent one hour with him on the phone....he didn't pray a prayer he just confirmed in His own heart that he DID believe. Now he is writing Robert saying my heart is different...I am reading my Bible and I really do feel different! Praise the Lord for Roberts persistence in winning his friend to the Lord. Now he has a true friend IN CHRIST...in Germany. It is interesting because Joe's name in German is Johanas...(sp) the same as the last book of the Bible-Revelation! He had read that book and knew that he needed to be saved...just didn't know how!

Pray for Joe as he begins His new walk with Jesus.....! Joe is a great young man I am glad to have met him and pray that the Lord will really bless his walk...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

CCSBA Spring of 2008

This was an awesome week for us here in Galati. God did his handy work one more time and showed Himself to be faithful. This is the prayer room where we prayed and at times we were so moved by the spirit tears were shed and His Spirit also cleansed us of our own sin. We had 100 NT on that table hoping to give them to people in Zone 9 this week. We found that the area was more open then last year and we believe it was the day of prayer that changed that for us. We had many great encounters and were able to enter one mans house. This is only the second apartment we have entered since beginning work there almost two years ago. His name is Mario so please pray for him. We did lesson one with him yesterday. We had many great encounters met Hindus, Muslims and of course many orthodox believers with the Gospel using SJWF.
Here is Yolonda, Bill, Marshall, Randy and Ed all in the vision room pointing to the target, Zone 9!

Here we are in the mobilization room talking about the things that were on our hearts. How to reach a lost and dying world, starting with Zone 9 and also how to reach Southeast Missouri with the Gospel.

Marshall, we have to go, we have to get people out of the church, we can't wait for them to come to us.....! His pastor was there on his right to keep him in line....Brush Creek sent a great group and made up more then half the team!

As a group we discovered that Christ is the head of the church..not us! He opens doors no one can shut and closes doors no one can open. So we learned to daily depend on Christ and not our own understanding. This was THE LESSON of the week and what a sweet lesson that is for those of us in the west that want to see things happen....RIGHT NOW!

Once again we had so many great prayer meetings I will never forget this because they were the first prayer meetings in our new location! You just want to pray when you get in there...you are truly in the Holy of Holies, next to the feet of our wonderful God and Saviour. We felt the presence of the Lord in ways that I have not experienced for a long time.

Thanks Cane Creek for sending the point people, the exploration group, the marines, those that will go and recruit the next squad. They left about 1 million people that don't know Jesus behind and now have a great responsiblity to pass on the need to others in Cane Creek. We are now focusing on trying to get a group started in Zone 9 as soon as the Lord will show us just HOW we are to do this. Please pray....
  • Highlights included
  • Madalina working with the team and doing street evangelism just after being saved
  • Our wonderful translators-Adriana, Carmen, Anda,
  • Preaching in all four Baptist churches here in Galati and Braila-all baptist work combined
  • Working with Golgotha again after two years away
  • Using the Regional Training Center for the National Bible Reading Campaing for the first time
  • Witnessing to Muslims that are refugees here from war torn Africa
  • Finding some people who were very open to the Gospel
  • Refocuing our efforts on Zone 9
  • Meeting with Pastor Ovi was very encouraging
  • Randy and I going to see Mr Sing at the Steel Factory finding out that he is NOT a born again believer as once thought and reported. He is Hindu...and needs to be saved.
  • Seeing the humility in this group of pastors was very encouraging to me.
  • Handing out about 45 New Testaments to people who first heard the Gospel through SJWF
  • Discovering a new way to reach out to people in the concrete aparments, (jungle)!
  • Use of the flip camera to do street interviews...very, very effective.
  • Randy and Teresa stay here and didn't leave with the team.....

May God get all the Glory for what He did through our humble efforts this week!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our New Team Members

Here are our new ,fresh out of ILC/FPO,sent from LWBC/CCSBA IMB missionaries! We are so thankful to our Lord for sending help! Here we are trying out their new couch in their new apartment. That is Lorenso/Roland here also.....he is a great friend and is very happy to see Randy and Teresa here also.
Here is me taking a picture of Randy taking a picture...Teresa is out on her balcony.

Here we are picking them up from the rail-road station. Here is Randy taking a picture of Katie taking a picture.

In bound two new IMB missionaries. Randy and Teresa Myers arriving on the 5:15 pm train from Bucharest. They have been going through the process for less then a year. The last thing I told Randy when he left last year was....put your application packet in now. Less then a year later here they are. They will be a great asset to our team and have arrived with a servants heart. Please pray for them as they adjust to Romanian lessons starting on the 14th coming Monday. They will be in class two hours a day and spend and additional four hours studying, along with my wife! I will start in one month. I am so thankful to the Lord God in heaven for sending them to us.....PTL. (Roland already took them over to his house for a good home cooked Romanian meal)