first an update on Bogdon and Paul, Gabriela is home from the hospital and has recovered from the serious burns that she received. (not fully but the situation is getting better) We credit this to your prayers......thanks!
This is a picture of a pig that was soon be ....well let's just say...put in little bags that can be carried and put in a freezer for later...if you get my drift. This a big tradition in Romania around Christmas the pigs are in big trouble. Much like our turkey's around Thanks-Giving! It was an experiacne to say the least for me to spend the day with my very good friend Roland. He knows how to cut up a pig, let me tell you! This is not Roland in the picture as he asked to NOT be in the pictures for fear of being thought of in a bad light! But this is his home in the little village of Bestepe past Tulcea.

Karla made treats to hand out to the people in the valley....they are sooooo good. I have gained at least five pounds this Christmas thanks to my wife's cooking.

I decided not to show you the pictures that led to the pig looking like this. Let me say this though we have three bags of pork in our freezer thanks to the generosity of Roland's family. I thought this was really a neat way to experience the Romanian Christmas particpating in a long held tradition. We Americans know that pigs should not be treated this way. Everyone should just go to Wal-Mart and buy it off of the shelf where it is clean and tidy. We don't have to be a part of this kind of bloody Christmas.

This entire ordeal only took about three hours. I was amazed and really wonder if the people these villages that we americans feel so SORRY for really have it all that bad, being isolated from the rest of the world and just minding their own business!
We love all of you and look forward to a great 2008. May we all be found faithful this year to serve our Risen King. He has been incredibly good to my family and it drives my determination and resolve even deeper to get the Gospel out to as many people as possible this upcoming year. I know many of you will be a part of that so please be praying now for us as we try to navigate through the winds, rocks, and reefs this upcoming year. May God bless each and everyone of you.